办好教育报刊 迎接美好未来——写在《贵州教育》创刊60周年

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党的十一届三中全会以来,贵州发生了翻天覆地的变化,全省国民经济迅速发展,人民群众物质文化生活有了很大提高,基础设施建设突飞猛进,各项社会事业不断进步,全省呈现出政治安定、经济发展、社会稳定、民族团结、各项事业欣欣向荣的崭新局面。这些成就的取得,教育战线功不可没。在宣传党的教育方针、推广教育经验、促进教学科研、加快人才培养等方面,教育报刊发挥了积极的作用。 Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, great changes have taken place in Guizhou. The rapid development of the national economy in the province has greatly raised the material and cultural life of the people, the rapid development of infrastructure, the continuous improvement of various social undertakings, and the emergence of the province Political stability, economic development, social stability, national unity, all undertakings thriving new situation. Achievements in these achievements, the education front can not be contributed. Education newspapers and periodicals have played a positive role in propagating the party’s education policy, promoting educational experience, promoting teaching and scientific research and speeding up personnel training.
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