A new inorganic azo dye and its thin film:MoO_4N_4H_6

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaobeisc
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Thin films of hydrazine molybdenum(MoO4N4H6),a new inorganic azo dye,were synthesized and deposited on a commercial glass substrate using the chemical bath deposition technique.Subsequently,the optical transmission,reflectivity,absorption,refractive index,and dielectric constant of hydrazine molybdenum were investigated using an ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer.In addition,the film structure was analyzed by mid-infrared spectroscopy.The spectra of the films were found to be in line with those in the literature.The surface properties of all films were examined using a computer-controlled digital scanning electron microscope with a secondary electron detector.The areas of application and the technological advantages of this material were also considered. Thin films of hydrazine molybdenum (MoO4N4H6), a new inorganic azo dye, were synthesized and deposited on a commercial glass deposition technique. Substituted, the optical transmission, reflectivity, absorption, refractive index, and dielectric constant of hydrazine molybdenum were investigated using an ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer. In addition, the film structure was analyzed by mid-infrared spectroscopy. spectra of the films were found to be in line with those in the literature. The surface properties of all films were examined using a computer-controlled digital scanning electron microscope with a secondary electron detector. areas of application and the technological advantages of this material were also considered.
1. 问题  江苏省2012届苏北四市3月高三调研卷第18题:  如图,已知椭圆C的方程为x24+y2=1,A,B是四条直线x=±2,y=±1所围成的矩形的两个顶点.  (1) 设P是椭圆C上任意一点,若OP=mOA+nOB,求证:动点Q(m,n)在定圆上运动,并求出定圆的方程;  (2) 若M,N是椭圆上两个动点,且直线OM,ON的斜率之积等于直线OA,OB的斜率之积,试探求△OMN的
我们已经知道这样一些事实:  若素数P≠2、5,当1p表示成十进制循环小数时,它的循环节长度为P -1 ,或P-1的某因子,且当循环节长度为偶数时,前半循环节和后半循环节的对应数码之和一定是9.  如113=0.0·76923·,循环节长度为13-1=12的因子6,且0+9=7+2=6+3=9.  又如117=0.0·588235294117647·,循环节长度为17-1=16,且0+9=5+4=
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