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众所周知,英语阅读对于大学生提高英语学习水平有重要的影响和作用。一个人的阅读能力往往是语言综合水平的重要体现,更是一个人获取有效知识和信息的重要手段,反映出个体的思维水平。在现在的社会中,想要获取知识和信息,必须要取决于不同程度的阅读。如果一个人的阅读能力高,分析知识和信息的能力越强,自然获得和提取的信息就越全面越深刻,而这些都是要通过阅读来体现。目前,就我国高校而言,大学生在学习了几年英语后,虽然习得了一定数量的词汇,但依然发现阅读仍是他们过不去的一道关卡,考试中阅读理解仍然是容易丢分的题型,无论是从阅读的速度还是效率都很难尽如人意。本文就阅读对大学生英语学习的作用以及怎样提高英语阅读提出一些个人的看法。 It is well known that reading English plays an important role in improving college students’ English learning. A person’s reading ability is often an important manifestation of the level of language synthesis, but also an important means for a person to obtain effective knowledge and information, reflecting the individual’s level of thinking. In today’s society, the acquisition of knowledge and information must depend on the degree of reading. If one’s ability to read is high and the more powerful it is to analyze knowledge and information, the more comprehensive and profound the information is naturally acquired and extracted, all through reading. At present, college students in our country, after learning a few years of English, although a certain number of vocabulary acquisition, but still find that reading is still a barrier they can not go through the exam reading comprehension is still easy to drop points, Whether it is read from the speed or efficiency are very satisfactory. This article on reading the role of college English learning and how to improve English reading put forward some personal views.
目的探究血清人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-h CG)、超敏C-反应蛋白(hs-CRP)和C-反应蛋白(CRP)水平预测胎膜早破孕妇宫内感染的价值。方法选取2012年12月-2014年12月该院妇产科收治
本刊讯 国家工商行政管理总局近日决定 ,从今年第二季度开始 ,定期向社会统一发布广告监测信息 ,以进一步整顿和规范广告经营行为 ,打击虚假广告等违法活动。目前 ,对于普遍
Background The YIGSR is a pentapeptide, from the laminin-1 of the β1 chain, which can mediate cell adhesion and bind the 67 kD laminin receptor. The purpose i