
来源 :学校管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruanjianshixi
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教育要发展,科研要先行。深入的研讨活动、浓郁的研究气氛,对深化校本研修、促进教师专业发展具有重要作用。当前农村学校开展课题研究存在着三重三轻,应该引起重视。一、重功利,轻内需教科研工作作为学校工作的一个重要窗口,体现了一个学校的办学水平,各级领导都高度重视。于是,各级各类学校出现了校校有课题、人人搞研究的局面,但认真梳理后会发现,在数以百计 To develop education, research must be first. In-depth seminars and a rich research atmosphere play an important role in deepening the school-based training and promoting the professional development of teachers. At present, there are three levels and three levels in carrying out research projects in rural schools, which deserves our attention. First, re-utilitarian, light domestic demand Teaching and research work as an important window of school work, reflects the school’s level of a school, leaders at all levels attach great importance. As a result, all kinds of schools at all levels have appeared in school problems, all engaged in the study of the situation, but carefully combed will find that hundreds
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系统式家庭治疗是我国临床心理治疗的新发展。治疗对象是以整个家庭为咨客系统。治疗师通过一系列特殊的提问技术和留作业方式 ,诱发家庭内部的互动模式的变化 ,从而引起病人
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冯汉,原在云南省大理州南涧县粮食局当驾驶员,其妻张锦芬系本地人,在该局当营业员。原来两人都拿着旱涝保收的固定工资,生活稳定,虽不富裕但也温饱不愁。 Feng Han, former
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