心脏连中三刀 保安舍命擒凶 一个生命感动一座城市——追记山东省济南市保安服务总公司天桥分公司保安员李培增

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献给最可爱的人又是一个繁花似锦、绿意盎然的春天,正是人们沭浴阳光,享受生活快乐的好时光。可是,一个如花般美好的生命却在这春日里离我们远去了。带着无尽的痛惜与思念,带着无限的崇敬与缅怀,年轻保安员李培增的名字,永远地铭刻在了我们的记忆中。世上最宝贵的是生命。年仅17岁的李培增自从走上治安巡防工作的那天起,就知道自己职业的危险性。面对穷凶极恶的持刀歹徒,李培增毫不犹豫地冲上去,为的是不放过一个社会安全隐患;身中三刀弥留之际,仍然拼死抓住凶徒手腕,为的是让民警和队友们制服罪犯赢得宝贵时间。在他身上,我们清楚地看见“正义”二字,他以奋不颐身的行为向我们咏唱了一首正义之歌。他那见义勇为的精神和嫉恶如仇的气概,像一缕阳光给人们带来了惊天动地的心灵震撼和仰天长叹的感慨。如果说见义勇为是警察的职责,那么对于我们普通保安员来说,则是侠义之举。“在治安巡防队做保安就像在刀刃上行走。”这个比喻对于协警工作在社会治安防范战线上的保安员来说,并不为过。在我们面前的是这样一群可敬可爱的年轻人,他们工作在社会治安防范的最前沿,很多时候和警察一样随时可能面对穷凶极恶的歹徒,面对生与死的考验,为社会治安稳定付出了心血乃至生命。为配合民警治安巡逻与歹徒殊死搏斗牺牲的深圳保安陈灵国、周尚金;与持刀伤人歹徒勇敢搏斗被刺成重伤的桂林保安杨伟成;为保护群众财产,与4名穷凶极恶歹徒搏斗牺牲的温州保安江仁海……一个个英雄保安的形象,令我们无法忘怀,无限敬仰。在保安队伍中,更多的是工作在社会生活不同领域不同岗位的普通保安员,在企业与人民生命财产面临威胁时,他们同样选择了挺身而出、见义勇为。为保护群众财产英勇献身的合肥保安史大保;勇救落水女的首部保安冯志员;与抢劫银行储户的持刀歹徒搏斗献身的桂林保安刘发龙;为维护首都交通秩序以身殉职的保安员陈清中……他们用行动凸显侠肝义胆的英雄本色,他们在危难关头用生命诠释出“伟大”的朴素内涵。为协助维护社会治安,服务经济社会发展,年轻的保安员付出了青春,乃至鲜血和生命。每年全国都有数以千计的保安员在工作中英勇负伤,有为数不少的保安员壮烈牺牲。这就是我们的保安队伍,这就是我们的英雄群体。他们平日默默无闻、不畏艰辛;危难关头一马当先、奋不顾身。他们堪称当代最可爱的人。勇士已去,精神长存。一个英雄感动了一座城市,一个英雄的群体塑造了一支强有力的队伍。我们要大力弘扬英雄的大无畏精神,奉献一份责任与爱心,以此告慰殉职的亡灵,告慰英雄的家人,也告慰默默战斗在一线的保安队员们。 Dedicated to the most lovely people is a blossoming, green spring, it is people bathing the sun, enjoy the joy of life, a good time. However, a beautiful flower is far away from us in this spring day. With endless pity and miss, with infinite reverence and memory, the young security guard Li Peizeng’s name, forever engraved in our memory. The most precious thing in the world is life. Only 17-year-old Li Peizeng since he embarked on the patrol work of public security since the day, you know the dangers of their own occupation. In the face of the most vicious knives and criminals, Li Peizeng did not hesitate to rush to go in order not to miss a social security risk; the body of the Daoist dying, still desperate to seize the wrists, in order to let the police and teammates Uniformed criminals win valuable time. On him, we clearly saw the word “Justice ”. He sung a song of justice to us with an unpleasant attitude. His courageous spirit and awe-inspiring spirit, like a ray of sunshine brought to people the earth-shattering soul shock and sigh feeling. If courageous is the duty of the police, then for our ordinary security guard, it is a chivalrous act. “Making a security guard in the security guard is like walking on a knife. ” This analogy is not an exaggeration for the security guard who works with the police to work in the social security precaution. In front of us is such a group of respectable and lovely young people who work at the forefront of public security and guardianship. In many cases, like the police, they may confront vicious gangsters in the face of the test of life and death and pay for the stability of social order Effort and even life. In order to tie in with the police security patrols and criminals died at their deaths sacrificed Shenzhen security Chen Linguo, Zhou Shangjin; brave fight with knives wounding criminals were stabbed Guilin security guard Yang Weicheng; in order to protect the property, and four wretched criminals wrestling Wenzhou Baoanjiang Ren Hai ... ... a heroic image of security, so that we can not forget, infinite admiration. Among the security forces, they are more ordinary security guards who work in different positions in different fields of social life. When the lives and property of enterprises and people are at risk, they also choose to come forward and find courage and courage. To protect the masses of the heroic heroic dedication Hefei security history Da Bao; the first woman to save the daughter of the security Feng Zhizeng; and bank robbers robbery knife criminals waged dedication Guilin security Liu hair dragon; in order to maintain the traffic order died guarding the security officer Chen Qing ... ... they With actions to highlight the heroic nature of Xiaoganyi Dan, they interpret the simple meaning of “great ” in critical situations. In order to help maintain social order and serve the economic and social development, young security guards paid their youth, their blood and their lives. Every year thousands of security guards throughout the country are bravely wounded in their work, and a large number of security guards have died in great sacrifices. This is our security team, this is our heroic group. They are usually obscure and intimidating; they are at their own risk in the first place and carelessly. They are the most lovely people in the world. Warriors have gone, the spirit of survival. A hero touched a city, a heroic group created a strong team. We must vigorously carry forward the heroic dauntless spirit, dedication of a responsibility and love, in order to comfort the souls of the dead, to comfort the hero’s family, but also comfortably silently fighting in front-line security team members.
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