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金针菇营养丰富、美味可口,具有良好的食用和药用价值,深受城乡居民的青睐。近几年来,金针菇栽培发展迅速,但产量、质量不稳定,影响了经济效益和菇农继续种菇的积极性。笔者根据多年来实践经验,总结出金针菇高产栽培技术,供参考。一、选用良种黄色细密型菌株 FV—12和浅色细密型菌株 FV—088具有高产、优质的特征。此二菌株第一潮菇可收200~300克/袋,第二潮菇100~150克/袋,第三潮菇50~100克/袋,总计平均每袋能收到鲜菇350~550克/袋,生物学效率可达100~157%。而且菌株具有现蕾整齐、不易开伞、菇期集中、转潮快等优点。二、用营养丰富的培养料金针菇属喜高氮性菌类,配制培养料时宜多用氮 Flammulina nutrient-rich, delicious, with good food and medicinal value, by urban and rural residents of all ages. In recent years, the rapid development of mushroom cultivation, but the yield, quality and instability, affecting the economic benefits and mushrooms continue to plant the enthusiasm. The author based on years of practical experience, summed Flammulina high-yield cultivation techniques for reference. First, the selection of fine yellow fine strain FV-12 and light fine close-type strain FV-088 with high yield, high quality characteristics. The first wave of the two strains of the mushroom harvest 200 ~ 300 g / bag, the second wave of 100 to 150 g / bag, the third tide mushroom 50 ~ 100 g / bag, the average total bag can receive fresh 350 ~ 550 G / bag, the biological efficiency of up to 100 ~ 157%. And strains with budding neat, not easy to open umbrella, focus mushrooms, swift tide and so on. Second, the use of nutrient-rich culture materials Flammulina hi hi nitrogen bacteria, preparation of culture materials should be more nitrogen
今年44岁的邓昌彦毕业于华中农业大学畜牧兽医系,后留校任教。1992年晋升为副教授,并荣获“湖北省有突出贡献的中青年专家”称号。 1983年和1987年,邓昌彦两次被派往日本香
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