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灵感与思想都是大脑的产物 ,它们有什么分别?灵感是一只鸟儿 ,思想就像一棵树。鸟儿是活泼的 ,动人的 ,微细的 ,捉摸不定的。而树则是高大的 ,浑厚的 ,稳定的 ,慢慢扎根的。没有鸟儿 ,树会显得很呆滞 ,很凝固。没有树 ,鸟儿又会显得很单落 ,很孤独。鸟儿需要粮食 ,就像灵感需? Inspiration and ideas are the product of the brain, what is the difference between them? Inspiration is a bird, thinking like a tree. Birds are lively, moving, subtle and unpredictable. The tree is tall, vigorous, stable, slowly rooted. Without a bird, the tree will look sluggish and solidified. Without a tree, the birds will look very lonely and lonely. Birds need food, just like inspiration?
听惯了你的一声吼  就像陕西人听惯了秦腔  乌盟人听惯了走西口  当我离别家乡的时候  站台上你的一声吼  竟让我泪流满面不忍回首  长大后工作在铁道旁  日出日落与你相望相守  当我接过父辈的信号旗  高高举过头  如长鞭在手  听到你春牛般的一声吼  于是白云微笑青山颔首  如今你同岁月一起老去  夕阳下往事渐渐陈旧  不再壮怀激烈  不再昂首怒吼  钢铁的胸膛中  滚涌的烈焰  早已沉淀成一
北京的大型商场已遍布京城,其名称大多气势夺人,如商城、购物中心、大厦等等。但留心注意一下这些商场的英文译名,则大有文章可做。享誉京城的双安商场赫然顶着“Shuang An
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如果你在使用so that时前面不加逗号,那就是在解释做某事的原因,比如说,“我拉上窗帘好睡觉。”也就是你想让第二件事情成行。例句中是某一动作 If you use so that it is
Never underestimate the power of love. 千万不要低估爱的力量。 Refrain from envy. It’s the source of much unhappiness.克制嫉妒心,它是不幸福的根源。 Never under
AT THE OFFICE 在办公室A:It’s been very nice talking to you.Hope to see you again soon. B:Let’s meet for dinner sometime.Bye. A:同你交谈非常愉快,希望不久能再
Investors from other countries are buying stocks, bonds, real estates, and large U. S. companies. Foreign money invested in the US is now more than $1 trillion
1. “Last week a grain of sand got into my wife’s eye, and she had to go to the doctor,” the married man told his friend. “It cost me 150 pounds.” “That’
Dear Xiaoqin, Can you believe it? While most parts,especially the eastern part of the States have been turned into snow white by the blizzard—reportedly the h
1.Carefully put the egg into the almost-full glass of water.The egg will sink.2.Pour in two heaping teaspoons of salt and stir it around the egg.3.Keep stirrin