An American Dog Going Around Beijing

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  Far away in the USA, there lives a dog named Paul. On his 6-year-old birthday, he goes to Beijing by plane.
  In Beijing, Paul is warmly welcomed by Panda Panpan. First, Panpan shows him around the Great Wall. Paul is fully surprised at the grand view of the Great Wall.
  “The Great Wall is over six thousand kilometers long. So it is called‘the ten thousand li Great Wall’in China. It was built by the ancient Chinese people with their wisdom, flesh and blood,”says Panpan.
  “Great!”says Paul, sticking up his thumb.
  Then, Panpan invites Paul to visit the Bird’s Nest.
  “Why is it called Bird’s Nest?” asks Paul. “That’s because it’s built like a bird’s nest. It can hold 80,000 people. And the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games will be held here,”says Panpan.
  “Great, Chinese people, really great!”says Paul, sticking up his thumb again.
  At last, they go around the Summer Palace, Tian’anmen Square and other great places of interest. Paul shows great surprise at the sightseeing. “So beautiful, so wonderful!”Paul says so all the way.“I will tell my American friends about my visit to Beijing as soon as possible,”he says finally.★指导老师:崔珣
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