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量刑建议权制度的构建既有理论依据又有现实基础;量刑建议应采用确定的量刑建议并作为审判活动监督、提起抗诉的参考依据.检察机关介入侦查引导取证的做法是在多年的办案实践中逐步形成的,虽然已经取得了较好的办案效果,但仍然存在一些突出问题,需要加以健全与完善.民事抗诉应定位于申请再审之后,将申请再审规定为当事人向检察院申诉的前置程序;更应定位在涉及公权利的范围内,而对不涉及公权利的案件则采用检察建议的形式,由法院审查决定是否启动再审程序,从而构建检察抗诉与检察建议并存的检察监督格局,真正起到统一司法、个案公正以及衡平各主体利益的作用.人民检察院对行政权的监督局限于职务犯罪侦查权,锁定在诉讼程序范围,没有充分体现人民检察院行政检察职能的宪政定位.拓展人民检察院的行政检察职能,设置专门的行政检察机构,是实现人民检察院对行政权的法制监督,发展行政检察制度和国家行政监督制度的必然要求.对检察建议的法理基础、性质地位、功能定位等的认识,理论与实务上有多种不同的主张,研究检察建议的基本问题对于立法,司法与法学研究具有现实意义,尤其对明确检察建议的适用范围、完善检察建议的程序、发挥检察机关的综合治理职能具有重要价值.对监管场所实行派驻检察,是中国检察制度的重要特色之一.基层监所检察实行“科室合署办公模式”是派驻检察组织形式的深化和具体化,是提高驻所检察工作效率和监督实效的极佳路径. The construction of the sentencing suggestion right system has both theoretical basis and realistic basis. The sentencing suggestion should adopt the definite sentencing suggestion and serve as the supervision of the judicial activity, and it should be used as the reference basis of the protest.People’s procuratorate intervene in the investigation and guide the forensics practice, However, some outstanding problems still exist and need to be perfected and perfected gradually.Chinese civil protest should be located after the application for retrial, which stipulates the application for retrial as the pre-procedure for the parties to appeal to the procuratorate; But should be located within the scope of involving public rights. For those cases that do not involve public rights, procuratorial suggestions are adopted, and the courts decide whether to start the retrial procedure, so as to construct a procuratorial and supervisory framework coexisting with procuratorial protest and procuratorial proposals. To justice, case justice and balance the interests of the main role of the People’s Procuratorate oversight of the administrative authority is limited to the crime of investigation of job-related crimes, locked in the scope of the proceedings, did not fully reflect the people’s procuratorate administrative procuratorial functions of the constitutional orientation. Administrative procuratorial functions, set up a special administrative seizure Institutions are the necessary requirements to realize the people’s procuratorate’s legal supervision of the executive power, the development of the administrative procuratorial system and the state administrative supervision system. There are many differences in theory, practice and understanding of the jurisprudence, nature, and function of procuratorial proposals It is of great significance for the study of legislation, judicature and jurisprudence to study the basic issues of procuratorial proposals, especially for clarifying the scope of application of procuratorial proposals, improving the procuratorial procedures, and giving full play to the functions of the procuratorial organs. The deployment of procuratorial organs is one of the important features of the procuratorial system in China. The implementation of the “office-in-office office model” by the procuratorial units of the grass-roots supervisory authorities is the deepening and specificization of the form of procuratorial work units, which is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of procuratorial work in the country Good path.
原总书记江泽民指出:“创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。”“一个没有创新能力的民族,难以屹立于世界先进民族之林。”因此,开展创新教育是时代赋予广大教育工作者的历史使命。那么,在新课程理念下的生物教学中,我们生物教师如何培养学生的创新思维能力呢?   激发兴趣,引发创新思维  古人云:“学之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者”。爱好和兴趣是人的天性特点,兴趣能唤起学生的好奇心和求知
对英国巴斯中学的《科学》教材、日本中学的《理科》教材与我国浙江省编写的初中《自然科学》教材的教学内容与编写特点进行对比分析 ,在此基础上对我国如何研制新的综合理科