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利用透射电镜(TEM)技术观察了魁蚶精子发生过程的超微结构变化。结果表明:魁蚶精子发生经历了精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精子细胞和精子形成等过程,在精子形成中的主要细胞学事件包括顶体的发育、核形态变化及尾部的形成等。此过程中,前顶体颗粒聚集、融合,形成顶体囊,然后发育为圆锥形顶体;核的形态由圆形或卵圆形变为鼓形,核内染色质由团块状到颗粒状,再到高电子密度均质;线粒体聚集、融合、体积变大,迁移至核的后端,参与精子中段的形成。成熟精子由头部、中段及尾部组成,头部由顶体及核构成,中段由5个线粒体围绕远端中心粒组成,尾部为细长的鞭毛。研究亮点:魁蚶为我国重要的海产经济贝类之一,目前对其精子发生过程的超微结构未见研究报道。利用透射电镜技术观察了魁蚶精子发生过程中精子顶体的形成、核的形态建成等主要细胞学事件,探明了魁蚶精子属原生型,顶体物质的合成始于初级精母细胞时期,细胞核在精子发生过程中形态变化不大等问题,为蚶科精子发生机制的深入研究提供了参考。 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to observe the ultrastructural changes of Kui spermatogenesis. The results showed that the process of spermatogonial spermatogenesis underwent the processes of spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes, secondary spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatogenesis. The main cytological events in spermatogenesis include acrosome development, nuclear morphological changes And the formation of the tail and so on. In this process, the pre-acrosome particles aggregate and fuse to form the acrosome, which then develops into a conical acrosome. The shape of the nucleus changes from round or oval into a drum, and the chromatin in the nucleus changes from lump to granule Like, and then to high electron density homogeneity; mitochondria aggregation, fusion, the larger the volume, migrate to the back end of the nucleus, involved in the formation of sperm middle. Mature sperm from the head, middle and tail, the head by the acrosome and the nucleus, the middle by the five mitochondria around the distal centriole, the tail of the elongated flagella. Research highlights: Kui is one of China’s major marine shellfish economy, the current process of its ultrastructure of the sperm has not been reported. The main cytological events such as the formation of sperm acrosomes and the formation of nucleus were observed by transmission electron microscopy. It was proved that the synthesis of the primordial sperm of Quercus spp. And acrosome began in the stage of primary spermatocytes , The nucleus in the process of spermatogenesis in small changes in the shape and so on, provide a reference for further study on the mechanism of the spermicroscopic spermatogenesis.
在客观事物中 ,不等量关系是普遍的 ,等量关系是相对的 ,等量关系可看作是不等量关系的特定状态 .因此 ,不等式更一般地反映了数量之间的关系和规律 ,也反映了大量实际问题的
根据本人的调查 ,当前中学作文教学 ,就大面积来说 (不是全部 ) ,存在着多方面的问题 ,亟待改革。例如 :学生的写作能力提高不快 ,有不少学生作文水平达不到教学大纲的要求 ,
方差的概念是“统计初步”一章的教学难点之一 .究其原因 ,从知识体系和学生认知基础来分析 ,有三个方面 :( 1)方差是衡量一组数据波动大小的特征数 ,与平均数不同 ,学生几乎
根据矛盾论的基本原理 ,我们在认识事物和解决问题的过程中 ,必须坚持具体问题具体分析 .也就是在矛盾普遍性原理的指导下 ,具体分析矛盾的特殊性 .数学问题 ,特别是高考试题
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教育在发展 ,高考在改革 ,命题在创新 ,高考地理复习也必须更新理念 ,以新的思路和新的方法去迎接挑战。 2 0 0 0年高考文科综合能力测试的试题 ,展示在考生面前的是 :以“专