户籍管理制度改革任重而道远 民革江苏省委继续为户改建言献策

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在2002年省政协全会上,民革江苏省委提出了《关于进一步推进我省户籍管理制度改革的建议》,省政协将其列为主席督办提案,随后又组织了由省政协、省公安厅、民革省委联合视察调研活动,并就提案提出的意见和建议进行了充分、深入的交流。2003年5月1日,江苏省率先在全省范围内启用全新的户籍管理制度。不久前,省政协副主席、民革江苏省委主委冯健亲等在接受《人民公安报》记者采访时再次就这一问题建言献策。冯健亲认为,户籍管理不能脱离时代,时代背景发生了变化,户籍管理当然就应当改革。过去,我们的政策长期向城市倾斜,城市的优势和吸引力十分明显。现在形势不同了,一些地方城市的优势已经不再那么明显,管理方式显然已经不适应形势了。传统的户籍管理制度也要进行改革。 At the 2002 provincial CPPCC plenary session, the People’s Revolutionary Provincial Committee of Jiangsu Province put forward the “Proposal on Further Promoting the Reform of the Household Registration Management System in Our Province”. The CPPCC made it a chairman to supervise the proposal, and subsequently organized a provincial committee of provincial CPPCC, , The joint leadership of the Revolutionary Committee of the People’s Republic of China inspection and research activities, and suggestions on the proposal put forward a full and in-depth exchange. May 1, 2003, Jiangsu Province took the lead in the province to enable new household registration management system. Not long ago, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Political Consultative Conference and Feng Jian-pro, chairman of the People’s Revolutionary Provincial Committee of Jiangsu Province, once again accepted suggestions on this issue during an interview with a reporter of the “People’s Daily Police”. Feng Jian pro believes that household management can not be divorced from the times, the background of the times has changed, of course, household registration management should be reform. In the past, our policies have long been tilted toward cities, and the advantages and attractiveness of cities have become clear. Now the situation is different, the advantages of some local cities are no longer so obvious, the management has obviously not suited to the situation. The traditional household registration management system also needs to be reformed.
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