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新中国的发展是与地质工作密不可分的。可以说,没有地质工作者的付出,就没有新中国的工业化。在纪念新中国地质工作50周年之际,我们专访了原地矿部部长朱训同志,他深情地回顾了献身地质的经历,以及对末来地质工作的期待。从老部长的悠悠回忆中,我们似乎看到了那些为新中国的发展而手执地质锤、放大境和指南针等简单工具在深山大川中不倦探索、艰苦跋涉和无私奉献的数以万计的地质工作者的身影,并被他们那种崇高的精神境界深深感动。 籍此,我们谨向那些为中华民族的崛起而呕心沥血的地质工作者致以崇高的敬意! The development of new China is inseparable from geological work. It can be said that without the contribution of geological workers, there is no new China’s industrialization. In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the new geological work in China, we interviewed Comrade Zhu Xun, former Minister of Minerals and Minerals, who lovingly reviewed the dedication of geology and his expectation of future geological work. From the long memories of the old minister, we seem to have seen tens of thousands of unruly exploration, trekking and selfless dedication in the mountains and rivers by simple tools such as the hand-held hammer, exaggeration and compass for the development of New China Geological workers figure, and by their kind of lofty spirit deeply touched. With this in mind, we would like to pay our highest tribute to the geologists who have worked hard to help the rise of the Chinese nation!
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