
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dayu1215
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为了使只在夜间展露芳容的昙花在白天开放,笔者去年做了一个试验,结果花朵不仅如约而至,而且花期由4~5个小时延长至8~9个小时。这株昙花去年7月15日出现小花蕾,至29日晨,花梗连同花苞已长至20多厘米(图1),我估计它将在最近几天内将会开放,就开始控制光照。白天把它放在一个全黑的环境里,入夜则置于灯光下。即用一只40瓦的普通灯泡在距离花苞约40厘米(以不致灼伤花苞为度)处照射。由于昙花是放在四面皆为白色瓷砖且空间不大的厨房里的,所以这种灯 In order to make the night-time display of beauty in the wild in the daytime in the open, I did a test last year, the results not only from about to flowers, and the flowering from 4 to 5 hours extended to 8 to 9 hours. This Epiphyllum appeared on July 15 last year, a small flower bud, until the morning of the 29th, the pedicel with the bud has grown to more than 20 cm (Figure 1), I estimate it will be opened in a few days, began to control the light. Put it in a dark environment during the day and keep it under the light at night. That is, with a 40-watt ordinary light bulb at a distance of about 40 cm from the bud (in order not to burn bud degree) at the irradiation. As Epiphyllum is placed in a white ceramic tile on all sides and the space is not large in the kitchen, so this lamp
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