Thank you,my hero!

来源 :中学生英语·高一、二版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong533
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  Speaking of thankfulness, many of us would naturally think about our parents or other relatives. But today I just want to express my thanks to a person, who, strictly speaking, has nothing to do with me. I adore him, but he never even knows me. His name is Tracy McGrady, a basketball player in Huston Rockets.
  Next, I’ll explain to you why I want to thank him in particular.
  I first watched NBA games in 2004, when I was in high school. The first person came into my view in the court was undoubtedly Yao in his No.11 shirt, and then was a guy with a No.1 on his shirt because of his spectacular eyes. That man was T-mac. Actually, that game resulted with Rockets’ failure just because T-mac lost the last key three-point shot. At that moment, I remembered him with a little reproach, but it is also from that time on that I became fond of NBA games. Here, I want to thank Tracy. Because of him, I started to pay a closer attention to basketball games. I watch the games, learn some of the rules and tactics, and try to know more about the American basketball culture. The born passion of those players fascinates me. Watching basketball games has already become my first hobby. It’s part of my life. It colors my life; It’s Tracy who colors my life. I thank him.
  Actually, Tracy attracts me not only because of his unique appearance, attractive smile and basketball skill, but also because of his spirit of perseverance and his optimistic attitude towards everything. Every dog has his day, but life is not easy at all. Encountering dilemmas is inevitable. Tracy is no exception. He has his 35 seconds, but it seems that he is prone to continual injuries. In front of biting sarcasm and criticism from different people, he never thinks of giving up. Instead, he faces it with a placid expression and a calm attitude. He continues playing basketball, because he knows what he really wants. Here, I want to thank Tracy. Because of him, I learn a truth, that is, since we can’t change others, we can’t change society, we can’t even change life itself, the only thing we can change is our attitude towards life. So why not face life and face reality bravely with a sincere smile?
  The last point I want to say is that Tracy is an excellent example to me. He is a considerate husband, a devoted and lovely father, a skillful player, and what’s more, a generous person who always shows his compassion for the poor and hungry. His trip to the poverty-stricken African area this summer further proves the rightness of the choice I’ve made.
  Thank you, Tracy. Thank you for all the qualities you showed and taught us: ideal, belief, perseverance, optimism, generosity, compassion and emotional attachment and love. You’re just an encyclopedia about our life. You’re my hero. Thank you!☆
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