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  Two months ago, Disney released a new trailer[预告片] for the live-action[真人电影] Cinderella at the stroke[报时的钟声] of midnight on New Year’s. (OK, that’s brilliant.)
  Director Kenneth Branagh reveals [透露] that he was interested in making a live-action version of the original[原始的] Disney animated[动画的] classic, and what fans might expect from the movie in the 21st century. We also hear from cast members Cate Blanchett (Wicked[邪恶的] Stepmother) and Lily James (Cinderella), who reveal that the animated classic “is such a big act to follow,”while Richard Madden (The Prince) adds that he loves the relationship between the Prince and Cinderella, and Helena Bonham Carter (The Fairy Godmother) adds that fans will feel like they’re watching this classic story for the first time.
  The story of Cinderella follows the fortunes[命运] of young Ella whose father remarries following the death of her mother. Eager to support her loving father, Ella welcomes her new stepmother and her two daughters into the family home. But, when Ella’s father unexpectedly passes away, she finds herself at the mercy of[受……支配] a jealous and cruel new family. Finally lowered[降低] to nothing more than a servant girl covered in ashes, and spitefully[有恶意地] renamed Cinderella, Ella could easily begin to lose hope. Yet, despite[尽管] the cruelty[残酷] against her, Ella is determined to honor her mother’s dying words and to “have courage and be kind.”
  She will not give in to sadness nor hate those who mistreat[虐待] her. And then there is the handsome stranger she meets in the woods. Unaware that he is really a prince, not merely an apprentice[学徒] at the Palace, Ella finally feels she has met her soulmate[灵魂伴侣]. And it appears her fortunes may be about to change, when the Palace sends out an open invitation[邀请] for all young girls to attend a ball, raising Ella’s hopes of once again meeting the charming[迷人的] Kit. Alas, her stepmother forbids her to attend and angrily rips apart[扯破] her dress. But, as in all good fairy tales, help is at hand—a kindly beggar woman steps forward and, armed with a pumpkin and a few mice, changes Cinderella’s life forever.
有的人对搬家很抵触,觉得搬家给人一种流浪的感觉。一些离家在外的人提起自己的住处,有时也有几分迟疑—那个窝算不算“家”?但对我来说,搬家,并不是值得深恶痛绝的一件事。大学毕业后,自己也搬过两次家。除了累,搬家其实是很美妙的体验—在一个陌生的地方慢慢寻找它与心灵的契合点,寻找平静。家的感觉并不等同于熟悉感。平静是一种心态,home也是一种心态。You will be home only when yo
两年半前,当俄罗斯人阿布拉莫维奇注资切尔西,用一亿多元为切尔西改头换面,誓要建立英超新格局时,他听到嘘声一片;一年半前,新上任的少帅穆里尼奥初来乍到自我介绍时,对英国媒体说他是“与众不同的一个”(Special One),顽固保守的英国人对此嗤之以鼻,甚至讥讽与嘲弄。  今天,这些人统统都收口了—去年,切尔西夺得该俱乐部五十年来的第一个联赛冠军,他们以摧枯拉朽之势提前加冕封王;今年前八轮比赛中,他
香港科技大学在今年暑假派出多位学生到国外进行文化交流,加强英语能力。参加这项计划的学生除了可以选择去英国外,还可以选择去南非和马耳他等地。很明显,这些地点跟香港都有一个共通之处—都是前英国殖民地。就读科大机电工程二年级学生Jack选择了去马耳他。  Jack 这次行程的费用不菲,只是来回香港—马耳他机票便要一万六千港元,加上入读当地语言学校,入住寄宿家庭,到意大利西西里岛旅游,总共要四万港元,但他
*I talk a lot of sh…when I’m drinking, baby  I’m known to go a little too fast  Don’t mind all my friends, I know they’re all crazy  But they’re the only friends that I have  I know I don’t know you  
*Round and round like a horse on a carousel[旋转木马], we go  Will I catch up to love? I could never tell, I know  Chasing after[追求] you is like a fairytale, but I  Feel like I’m glued[粘] on tight to this