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“2005CCTV 中国年度雇主调查”电视活动引起了社会各界的广泛关注,青啤公司在这次调查活动中从全国数十万家(包括在华外资合资企业)企业中脱颖而出,成为啤酒行业惟一一家入围前二十名的企业,并以其创新型的人力资源管理受到专家学者的高度评价。这是国内主流媒体首次开展的“雇主调查类”活动,也是央视为倡导企业重视雇主品牌建设而首次发起的电视调查。因为在倡导“科学发展观”、建设“和谐社会”的时代背景下,好的企业应当是好的雇主,应当是让员工快乐工作的雇主。青啤“以 ”2005CCTV China Annual Survey of Employers “ TV activities have aroused widespread concern in the community, Tsingtao Brewery in the investigation activities from the country hundreds of thousands (including foreign-funded joint ventures in China) enterprises stand out as the only beer industry A top 20 finalists, highly regarded by experts and scholars for its innovative human resource management. This is the first survey carried out by the mainstream media in China. It is also the first television survey initiated by CCTV to advocate that enterprises attach importance to the building of employers' brands. Because advocating the concept of scientific development and building a harmonious society, a good enterprise should be a good employer and an employer that should make its employees happy. Tsingtao beer ”to
如何既能够与资本共舞,又能够较好地保存民族品牌,这还需要中国企业家的长期探索 How to both dance with capital and better preserve national brands also requires lon
In recent years,along with the rapid increase in the number of applications for patent received,examined and granted by the State Intellectual Property Office(S
3月16日,十届全国人大五次会议表决通过了物权法。这部法律约22000字,分为总则、所有权、用益物权、担保物权、占有共5编19章247条,自今年10月1日起施行。 March 16, the Fi
1月14日 晴  一天,我在做数学智力大冲浪时,遇到了这样一道题:贝贝的爸爸给她买了一些故事书,贝贝先把一半借给了丁丁,后来又把剩下的故事书的一半借给了乐乐,这时贝贝只剩下4本。爸爸给贝贝买回了多少本故事书?一半、一半,还剩4本,我很快就列出了算式:3×4=12(本)。这时妈妈走了过来,看到我写的算式,不禁皱起了眉头,然后摸着我的头说:“宝贝,这个问题妈妈建议你可以从最后往前倒着思考。”  听了妈
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近来,有关风景名胜名称被作为商标注册并且由此引起纠纷的现象时有发生,反映出的问题值得思考。 Recently, the phenomenon that names of scenic spots have been register