In fact, as early as 1990, this story has been adapted into a movie, the title is “full recall.” A “Total Recall” is an action thriller about reality and memory, adapted from the famous short story by Philip K. Dick. Rekall, a factory that turns your dreams into reality. Douglas Quaid (Colin Farrell), the protagonist, is an ordinary factory worker. Although he has a beautiful wife (Kate Beckinsale), both seem loving but his heart seems to There is some kind of dissatisfaction. Traveling on a journey sounds like a perfect vacation, leaving him to relax from a frustrating life - the true memory of being an agent may be exactly what he needs. But when the process went awry, Quaid became a fugitive fugitive. He found himself avoiding the policeman under the control of Chief Justice Hagen (Brian Kelanton), none of whom Quide could trust except