
来源 :江西林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crazy5555
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在杉木幼林的生长过程中,林分内每个立木个体树冠大小和发育状况,反映了立木营养面积的大小。随着林木的生长,胸径愈来愈粗,树冠的冠幅也愈来愈大,因此,林冠大小与立木胸径之间存在着密切的相关关系。利用杉木生长的这种特点,以林分平均直径来确定该林分每亩应保留的立木株数,即最适密度,籍以保证每株立木有适宜的营养空间。 In the growth process of young Chinese fir plantations, the size and development status of individual canopy trees in the stand reflect the size of standing tree nutrition area. With the growth of trees, the diameter at breast height is more and more thick, and the crown of crowns is also getting larger and larger. Therefore, there is a close correlation between the crown size and stand diameter. The use of the characteristics of Chinese fir growth, the average diameter of the forest stand to determine the number of trees per acre should be retained, that is, the most appropriate density, to ensure that each tree stands have appropriate nutrition space.
PURPOSE: The Drusen Laser Study evaluated macular laser to prevent choroidal neovascularization (CNV) and vision loss in high-risk age-related maculopathy (ARM)
书,是精神的食粮,是心灵的润滑剂。读书能使人明智,让人陶醉其中,洗涤心灵。  陶醉书中,我学到了许多知识。  翻开一本本散发着墨香的课本,我的收获很大。看,《过零丁洋》中,一句“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”,道出了文天祥的壮烈情怀,道出了他的忠贞不二,道出了高洁的爱国情操;看,《桃花源记》里,那美丽宁静的世外乐土,道出了陶渊明对安宁、自由生活的向往;看,《从百草园到三味书屋》内,那一件件新奇生
A new cryptand/paraquat [2]pseudorotaxane and its crown ether analog were synthesized and characterized by proton NMR, mass spectrometry, and single crystal X-r
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患者 女 47岁 主诉双眼视力障碍2m,曾在外院诊为双眼全葡萄膜炎,予强的松口服,症状无好转,于2003年10月来我院就诊。