
来源 :中国植保导刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:niehaibin
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12月10~12日,全国农技中心在广西南宁市组织召开了2015年全国农作物重大病虫害发生趋势会商会。会议总结交流了2014年农作物重大病虫害发生特点和监测预警工作情况,分析会商了2015年全国农作物重大病虫长期发生趋势,研讨了2015年农作物病虫监测预警重点工作。全国农技中心钟天润副主任在讲话中总结回顾了2014年我 From December 10 to December 12, the National Agricultural Technology Center organized a conference on the trend of major pests and diseases occurrences in the country in 2015 in Nanning, Guangxi. The meeting summarized the characteristics of major pests and diseases and the monitoring and early warning work in 2014, analyzed and discussed the long-term trend of major pests and diseases in the country in 2015, and discussed the key tasks of monitoring and warning of pests and diseases in 2015. Zhong Tianrun, deputy director of the National Agricultural Technology Center in a speech summarized the review of 2014 I
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患者女性 38岁双眼视物模糊20余年,完全不能视物4a,当地医院诊断为先天性核性白内障。1997年11月26日在“健康快车”行眼科检查:视力右:手动/10cm,左:手动/10cm,6m光感,光定位正常;双眼眼压均为5-5/4,10/9;双晶状体核呈弥漫
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