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  ⒈yet, still
  He is not here yet.他还未到。
  He has not come yet.他还没有来。
  yet用于肯定句表示“还、仍然、 依然”,相当于still,但yet具有强烈的感情色彩。如:My son is sleeping yet.我儿子还在睡觉。(暗示别大声说话)His tooth is aching still.他的牙还在疼呢。(只是叙述一种情况)
  They are still talking in the room.他们仍在房间里谈话。
  He is still more careful. 他还是那么小心谨慎。
  ⑴We haven’t receivedfrom her ____.
  ⑵Is she waiting ____?
  ⑶Is my coat dry ____?
  ⑷She is ____ very young.
  Keys:⑴yet ⑵still ⑶yet ⑷still
  ⒉next, the next+周/月/年……
  We shall go to Beijing next week.下周我们要去北京。
  Let’s do the work next year.我们明年做这工作吧。
  the next+周/月/年……时,指以过去或将来的某一时间为基点说下一周/第二周,下一个月/来月,下一年/来年……,它既可用于将来时,也可用于过去时。如:
  He came back again the next morning. 第二天上午他又回来了。
  We started the next day. 第二天我们出发了。
  My father will arrive in Beijing in May, and the next month he will fly to Guangzhou. 爸爸5月要到北京来,第二个月他要飞往广州。
  ⑴Mr. Wang was a teacher in 2000. ____ year he became a scientist.
  ⑵You are sixteen ____ year.
  ⑶Is she coming ____ month.
  ⑷She told me that she was to fly to Beijing ____ day.
  Keys:⑴The next ⑵next ⑶next ⑷the next
  ⒊at the same time, at any time, at the time, at times, at all times
  [辨析]at the same time意思是“同时、尽管如此、然而”。如:
  The two runners reached the finishing line at the same time.
  at any time在任何时候。如:
  You may use my reference books at any time.
  at the time当时、在那个时候、那时候。如:
  He found the answer he was looking for at the time.
  at times有时候,相当于sometimes。如:
  At times he goes to school by bike. At other times he goes to school on foot. 有时他骑自行车去上学,有时则步行去。
  at all times 总是、不论什么时候。如:
  The old woman said to herself at all times.
  ⑴You can come ____ of the day.
  ⑵____ of their marriage, they were living in Beijing.
  ⑶He is a businessman ____, so he is rich.
  ⑷They go to the park ____.
  Keys:⑴at any time⑵At the time⑶at all times ⑷at times
  ⒋journey, travel, trip
  It’s about 10 hours’ journey by train from Beijing to Shanghai.
  travel可作名词或动词,泛指一切陆上、水上或空中的旅行,多用复数。如:Did you enjoy your travels in China? 你的中国之行愉快吗?
  He is going on a trip. 他要出外旅行。
  ⑴From Paris to Berlin(柏林) is a ____ of one day.
  ⑵She is ____ in U.S.A..
  ⑶I took several ____to Qingdao.
  Keys:⑴journey ⑵traveling ⑶trips
  ⒈feed, live, keep
  [辨析]feed强调动作“给……喂食、给……东西吃”。如: She was feeding the baby with porridge. 她正给孩子喂粥。feed on指“(牛、羊、马等)吃东西、以……为食”,其宾语为食物或饲料名词。如:
  Horses feed on grass. 马吃草(马以草为食)。
  They kept many cows on the farm. 他们的农场养了好多奶牛。
  live作“养活、生活”解时,常用live on表示“以……为食、靠……生活”,用于指人,也可用于动物。如:He lives on teaching. 他靠教书为生。
  She lives on poor food. 她粗茶淡饭过日子。
  ⑴The farmer ____ many chickens every year.
  ⑵They are ____ the animals in the zoo now.
  ⑶We ____ birds last night.
  ⑷People here ____ rice.
  Keys:⑴keeps ⑵feeding ⑶fed ⑷live on
  ⒉hate to do sth., hate doing sth.
  [辨析] hate to do sth.“讨厌做某事”,表示某次具体行为。如:
  I hate to trouble you now. 我现在不愿麻烦你。(你正忙着)
  hate doing sth. “不愿意做某事、不喜欢做某事”,指泛指的行为。
  She hates smoking in her room. 她不喜欢在她房间吸烟。
  ⑴I hate ____ in the rush hour.
   A. to driving B. drive C. driving D. drives
  ⑵He hates ____ clothes now.
   A. washing B. to wash C. washes D. washed
  ⑶He hates ____ football, so he hated ____ football with us that day.
   A. to play, play B. playing, playing
   C. playing, to play D. to play, to play
  Keys:⑴C ⑵B ⑶C
  ⒊take care of, look after, take care, care for
  [辨析]take care of后接人时表示“照看、照顾、爱护”,后接物时表示“要当心某物、看管、维护好某物”。同义词组look after。take good care of=look after…well“好好照顾”。如:Please take good care of your brother.=Please look after your brother well. 请好好照看你弟弟。
  Children in our country are taken good care of.
  另外take care of还有“对付、应付”的意思,look after无此意。如:
  Don’t worry. I can take care of it.不用担心,我能应付得了。
  look after“照料”,指对人或事负责并照管,是普通用语,没有take care of的“当心”某物之意。如:
  We must look after the young trees well.
  care for表示“照顾”时,是较正式用语,用于肯定句或疑问句。如:
  The mother cared for the sick child day and night.
  I don’t care for movies. 我不喜欢看电影。
  take care意为“当心、小心”,同义词组be careful和look out。take care后可接不定式或that从句。如:
  Take care to carry the box!搬箱子要小心。
  Take care not to drop it. 当心别掉了。
  ⑴ ____ not to get lost.
  ⑵I don’t really ____ tea.
  ⑶Who will ____ your child when you are out.
  Keys:⑴Take care ⑵care for ⑶ take care of/look after/care for
  true, real, really
  [辨析]true 指故事、说法、答案等与标准事实、实际情况相符合。意思是“真的、真实的”,true与“编造的、虚假的”相对,在句中作定语或表语。如:The news is true.这消息是真的。
  real指人或物客观存在,而不是想象或幻觉的东西。意思是“真的、真正的、正宗的”, real与“假冒的”相对,在句中通常作定语。如:
  That is a real dog, not a toy. 那是一只真狗,不是玩具狗。
  I’m not really interested in fishing. 我不是真正对钓鱼感兴趣。
  ⑴This is a ____ story.
  ⑵It is a ____ gold watch(金表).
  ⑶The children ____ enjoy picking apples.
  ⑷Most of what he said is ____.
  ⑸Let’s give him some ____ English food to eat.
  Keys:⑴true ⑵real ⑶really ⑷true ⑸real
习惯了“My goodness”或“My God”,偶尔听到外国人惊呼“My stars and garters”,颇感怪异。由“星星和勋章”组合而成的“天啊”是美国用语,不过,它的原产地可是在英国哦!   Garter原指“嘉德勋章”,是英国王室授给爵士的“最高勋位”。由于爵士们的勋章大都是“星星”形状,所以到18世纪,短语stars and garters开始被人们使用,当时用来指代“各种类似
1. 一般过去时的用法。  一般过去时表示过去某一时刻或一段时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示过去的时间状语连用。  He went out just now. 他刚出去。  Her mother was ill yesterday. 她妈妈昨天病了。  We had a great time in those days. 那段日子我们过得很愉快。  【特别提示】  (1)表示过去的时间状语常
据卫生部新闻办证实:经调查,石家庄三鹿集团股份有限公司生产的三鹿牌婴幼儿配方奶粉受到三聚氰胺污染,提醒公众立即停止使用该品种奶粉,已食用该奶粉的婴幼儿如出现小便困难等异常症状要及时就诊。  请看外电的报道:  The New Zealand-based Fonterra, a major investor in the Chinese dairy firm Sanlu says the compa
Unit 6_Do you like bananas?    Ⅰ. 词汇_根据句意和首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。  1. My sister doesn’t l_____ apples.  2. These are b_____. They are yellow.  3. Let’s r_____ to our school.  4. She eats h_____ food every d
以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育是当今教育改革的主旋律, 课堂教学是对学生进行创新教育的主阵地,如何真正发挥主阵地的作用,变“接受性学习”为“创造性学习”,关键在于教师。要在学习英语的过程中,提供更多愉快的学习机会和发展空间,激励学生参与学习活动的积极性,促进思维发展,培养学生独立获取知识的学习能力和勇于创新的主体意识,形成知识技能,促进学生的主体性发展。    一、激发兴趣,培养创新意识
内容提要: 本文从教学目标、教学方法、教学内容三个方面阐述了自己对国家基础教育课程改革的认识和看法。教育目标由原来注重知识的传授而强调让学生形成积极主动的学习态度;教学的重点由重传授向重发展转变,教师教学要以人为本,呼唤人的主体精神;教学内容由过去的“繁、难、偏、旧”,过渡到教材充分体现了“与现实生活相联系”的特点。  关键词:激发、培养、自主、合作、兴趣  通过新课程的培训后,我用业余时间认真研
Ⅰ.根据句意和首字母写出单词,使句子意思完整(每小题1分,共5分)     1. Did you get anything in the l____?   2. I’ll go to the doctor to have a m____ examination.   3. Don’t take away her things without p____.   4. Carlos is pretty
“be going to”结构是本单元中的重点语法项目,它常用来表示按计划、安排将要做的事或预测将要发生的事,使用此结构时应关注以下几点:    聚焦一、be going to 结构的特点:    在be going to结构中,be是助动词,无词义,但要与主语的人称和数保持一致,有am, is, are三种形式,to为动词不定式符号,后须接动词原形。如:  I’m going to play b
焦点一:最高级的表达含义    英语中,当三者或三者以上的人或事物作比较时,若其中的一方在某方面最为突出时要用形容词的最高级来表达。它的基本句型为“A+系动词+the+最高级+of/in短语”,其中,形容词的最高级之前一定要用定冠词the。介词短语表示比较范围,其中,of之后接可数名词或all等代词,主语和of后的名词属于同一类;in之后接一个组织、单位、团体之类的集体名词,表示的是比较的范围。例
assistant coach:助理教练   backcourt:后卫组(包括控球后卫及得分后卫)   backup:后备(替换,支持)球员   bench:(指全体)后备(替换,支持)球员   bench player:(指个人)后备(替换,支持)球员  center:中锋(又称5号位置球员)   coach:教练   frontline:锋线(包括大前锋,小前锋,中锋)   GM(genera