
来源 :中学英语之友·初三版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kwatog
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   1. Did you get anything in the l____?
   2. I’ll go to the doctor to have a m____ examination.
   3. Don’t take away her things without p____.
   4. Carlos is pretty c____. He isn’t afraid to sing in public.
   5. Will it b____ you if I turn the television on?
   1. ——What would you do if you ____ the lottery?
   ——I ____ give half of the money to charities.
   A. win; will B. win; would C. won; will D. won; would
   2. I don’t know ____ I should bring a present.
   A. that B. what C. this D. if
   3. If I ____ you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.
   A. was B. were C. am D. be
   4. ____ everyone else brings a present?
   A. What B. When C. What if D. When if
   5. Your friends would probably say that you are easy ____.
   A. to get along B. to get along with
   C. get along D. get along with
   6. Rachel doesn’t want to ____, but she is terrified of ____ in front of other people.
   A. let her friends down; speaking B. let her friends by; speaking C. let her friends down; speak D. let her friends by; speak
   7. If I ____ English hard, I would pass the final exam. A. study B. am studying C. studied D. have studied
   8. The rich man is very generous and kind-hearted. He gives away ____ yuan to charity.
   A. million B. million of C. two millions D. millions of
   9. I don’t believe you ____ the slightest.
   A. on B. at C. in D. with
  10. They are going to have ____ holiday next month.
   A. a two weeks B. two-week C. a two-week D. two weeks
  11. I was so tired that I couldn’t keep my eyes ____. A. opening B. open C. opened D. to open
  12. ____ a long walk before ____ to bed should help you relax. A. To take; to go B. Taking; to go
   C. Takes; goes D. Taking; going
  13. ——Let’s go to Ann’s party.
   ——____. But I get nervous before big parties. A. I’ll be glad to B. I’m glad
   C. Oh, no D. All right
  14. I don’t know ____ to help him.
   A. how should we do B. what we should do
   C. how we should do D. what we should do it
  15. Logan left the room, without ____ others where he would go.
   A. speaking B. telling C. saying D. talking
   1. If I ____(be) you, I’d go to watch the World Cup.
   2. Elizabeth borrowed your bike without ____(permit).
   3. What ____(will) you do if you won a million dollars?
   4. I’d take a long walk before ____(go) to bed.
   5. I really want a dog, but my parents won’t let me ____(have) one.
   6. Michael doesn’t know what ____(wear).
   7. I’d wear a shirt and tie if I ____(be) you.
   8. Somebody thinks cool means a popular and successful ____(lifestyle).
   9. Naismith saw that the ____(play) used the backboards to help put
   the ball in the basket.
  10. Your friends would probably say you are a good ____(listen).

   1. ____ have the good news.
   2. Alan always ____ good solutions to my problem.
   3. I’d ____ play tennis ____ swim.
   4. You must study hard. Don’t ____ me ____.
   5. The old scientist ____ in our school yesterday.
   1. The coach divided the players into two teams of eleven. (改为同义句) The coach ____ the players ____ two teams of eleven.
   2. Sarah might know anyone at the party. (改为表示否定推测的句子)
   Sarah ____ ____ know anyone at the party.
   3. Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor. (改为主动语态)
   A Canadian doctor ____ ____.
   4. Naismith thinks he can do it well. (改为过去时)
   Naismith ____ he ____ do it well.
   5. I know five famous players from China and other countries.
   ____ ____ ____ ____ do you know from China and other countries?

   Deirdre: Hi, Chrissie!__1__.
   Chrissie: You didn’t see it?
   Deirdre: No. __2__ I thought it started at eight. By the time I turned on TV, it had already finished. __3__
   Chrissie: I don’t want to talk about it.
   Deirdre:__4__ Really? That’s amazing!
   Chrissie: Yeah. The Japanese team beat us 2:1. They played very well, but we didn’t. __5__.
   Deirdre: The Chinese team should learn from the Japanese team.
   Chrissie: You’re right.
   1. 班主任要我代表我们班参加学校的比赛。
   Our headteacher wants me ____ ____ ____ ____ in the school contest. 2. 我要是你,我就学李阳疯狂英语。
   ____ ____ ____ you, I’d learn Li Yang Crazy English.
   3. 如果希尔达在这儿,我会请她到我家吃饭。
   ____ Hilda ____ here, I would invite her to have dinner at home.
   4. 我喜欢对一两个人讲话,不喜欢对很多人讲话。
   I’d like talking to one or two people ____ ____ to a group.
   5. 老师昨天把我们班分成六个小组。
   The teacher ____ our class ____ six groups yesterday.
  Mr White works in an office. He liked __1__ in bed when he was at school. It was bad for his __2__ and now he is nearsighted(近视的). But he wouldn’t like __3__ to know about __4__ and he never wears a pair of glasses, and it often __5__ him some trouble.
  One winter morning he was sent __6__ a village school on business (出差). He __7__ the bus at a stop in a small town. Then he had to __8__ there. The road to the village wasn’t smooth (平坦的). He fell over some times and it __9__ his clothes dirty. __10__ he got to the village. Suddenly it began to blow and it got __11__. He was looking for the school while his __12__ was blown off. He began to run after it but he couldn’t get it. He couldn’t understand why his hat ran into a house as if (似乎) it had __13__. And he ran into the house, __14__.
  A woman stopped him and shouted angrily, “__15__ are you running after my hen for?”
   1. A. reading B. dancing C. singing D. writing
   2. A. ears B. nose C. mouth D. eyes
   3. A. anybody else B. nobody C. woman D. somebody
   4. A. these B. those C. them D. it
   5. A. follows B. takes C. brings D. carries
   6. A. for B. to C. in D. on
   7. A. took off B. got off C. got on D. come on
   8. A. ride B. drive C. walk D. fly
   9. A. let B. made C. gave D. felt
  10. A. At first B. At home C. At times D. At last
  11. A. hotter B. warmer C. colder D. cooler
  12. A. clothes B. bag C. hat D. glasses
  13. A. legs B. hands C. shoes D. arms
  14. A. always B. also C. either D. too
  15. A. What B. Why C. Which D. Who
  Ⅸ.阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)
  The History of Table Tennis
   You may play ping-pong but perhaps you don’t know who invented it.The story is that it started when two students at Cambridge University began knocking a cork(软木塞) to each other across a table, using old boxes.
  In about the year 1,800 an American businessman of sports goods produced a game that he called Indoor Tennis. The Americans showed no interest in it. He shipped it to London and it soon became popular in Britain. The game was then played across dining room tables, or on the floor with the net string(网子) between chairs. The players used a ball made of cork or rubber.
  A few years later a hollow(空的) ball like the one we use today was invented. People all over the world loved it at once. A man called Mr Wood of London, had the idea of covering the bats(拍子) with rubber. The London businessmen who first sold the game in England now calledit “ping-pong”—“ping” meant the sound of the bat bitting the ball,and “pong” was the sound of the ball bitting the table.
  The game is played everywhere, but not everybody likes it. Some even think it is a silly game.
   1. ____ at Cambridge University first played table tennis, using a cork and ____.
   2. A game called Indoor Tennis ____ in about the year 1,800.
   3. Although the Americans didn’t like the game, ____ showed great interest in it and it became popular.
   4. After hollow balls were invented, the bats ____ were invented by Mr Wood.
  2) 将文中划线部分译成汉语
   5. _______________________
  One day Mark Twain was asked whether he could remember the first money he made.
  He thought a while before answering, and then said, “Yes, I remember everything about it. It was at school. The pupils in those days never respected(尊敬) their teachers and never took care of the things of the school. They often broke the windows and glasses. There was a rule (规则) that any boy who broke the glass would be beaten in front of thewhole school, or have to pay five dollars.”
  “One afternoon I was playing football, when suddenly my ball hit the window. I ran over and found its glass broken into pieces. I could do nothing but tell my father I had made the mistake, and that I should pay the money or be beaten before the whole school. He agreed to give me money so that I could hand it over to the headmaster. But before giving me the money, he took me upstairs and gave me a good beating.”
   “But having had one beating and got used to it, I decided I would accept(接受) another beating at school and keep the five dollars. So that’s what I did. That was the first money I ever made.”
   6. The story is about an interesting experience of Mark Twain.
   7. When he was a schoolboy, the pupils not only took care of the things of the school, but also respected their teachers.
   8. Mark Twain told his father about the mistake he made at school.
   9. His father gave Mark Twain some money because it was a prize.
  10. In the end Mark Twain was beaten at home and at school as well.
  Rules of Reading Club
  The following rules will be used for the Reading Club:
   1. All books must be read from page one to the last page in the book.
   2. The parent or the teacher will initial(write the first letter of one’s name) the booklist after a student has finished reading a book. Teachers will initial the booklist only for the book read at school. It is the responsibility(责任) of the student and parent to write the names of all books read, and the number of pages of the book on the booklist.
   3. All books read must be of the student’s reading level(水平) or above. Example: A third grade student should not read first grade books if he or she is able to read at a third grade or higher reading level.
   4. All books the student finishes during the school year (including the textbooks read at school) will be counted towards the 100 books. Comic books (漫画书) and the like will not be counted. Books of good quality(高质量的) read from the school library, public library, classroom, home, etc. will be counted.
   5. When a student has finished a club booklist (one sheet of25 books or 1,500 pages), he/she should bring the sheet to the office. The child will get a small reward (奖励) and may get another piece of booklist to go on reading.
  It takes four booklist sheets for 100 books or four 1,500 pages to reach 6,000 pages. Either way—You’re a winner!
  11. The student needs to ask his/her parent or teacher to initial the booklist ____.
   A. as soon as he/she begins to read a book
   B. before he/she reads a book
   C. after he/she finishes reading a book
   D. while he/she is reading a book
  12. What kind of books will not be counted? ____.
   A. Story books B. Picture books
   C. History books D. Biology books
  13. How many books should a student read before he/she gets another
   booklist? ____.
   A. 25 B. 1,500 C. 6,000 D. 100
  14. According to the rules, which of the following is NOT true? ____.
   A. The student should read the whole book through
   B. The parent will initial the booklist for the books the student reads at home
   C. A third grade student can read the first grade books if he/she likes to do so
   D. The student needs to read 100 books or 6,000 pages in the school year to be a winner
  15. According to the rules, which of the following is the most possible booklist? ____.



  1. 语句通顺,意思连贯,符合逻辑;
  2. 结构完整,语法正确,书写工整,卷面整洁;
  3. 词数60-80。
Unit 20    1.I told the company about my work experience and answered their questions as well as I could.   我把我的工作经验告诉了公司,并且尽可能好地回答了他们提出的问题。  as well as I could是一个由as…as引导的状语从句,省略了谓语动词answer,以避免不必要的重复
俗话说得好:万事开头难。英语对于大部分即将升入初中的学生来说是一门崭新的学科。如何正确引导学生走上正确有效的学习道路是众多教师长期探讨的话题。  一、强化学习动机,引导学生“入门”  动机是支配行为的直接因素。外语学习的动机是直接推动外语学习的一种内部因素,是学生在外语学习活动中的一种自觉能动性、积极性的心理状态。教育学中说:“有良好的积极的学习动机,学习的效果就好;而无学习动机或只有消极的学习动
肯定形式:sb. am/is/are going to do sth.  含义:表示打算将来要做的事情。  否定形式:sb. am/is/are not going to do sth.  一般疑问形式:Is/Are sb. going to do sth.?  特殊疑问形式:How/What/Where…is/are sb. going to…?  例:1)I’m going to play s
◆because & because of  二者均有“因为”之意,但用法有别。  1)because为从属连词,引导表示原因的状语从句,可用来回答why引导的特殊疑问句。例如:  I don’t want to make friends with him because I don’t like him.  因为我不喜欢他,所以不想和他交朋友。  ——Why was he late for th
习惯了“My goodness”或“My God”,偶尔听到外国人惊呼“My stars and garters”,颇感怪异。由“星星和勋章”组合而成的“天啊”是美国用语,不过,它的原产地可是在英国哦!   Garter原指“嘉德勋章”,是英国王室授给爵士的“最高勋位”。由于爵士们的勋章大都是“星星”形状,所以到18世纪,短语stars and garters开始被人们使用,当时用来指代“各种类似
1. 一般过去时的用法。  一般过去时表示过去某一时刻或一段时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示过去的时间状语连用。  He went out just now. 他刚出去。  Her mother was ill yesterday. 她妈妈昨天病了。  We had a great time in those days. 那段日子我们过得很愉快。  【特别提示】  (1)表示过去的时间状语常
据卫生部新闻办证实:经调查,石家庄三鹿集团股份有限公司生产的三鹿牌婴幼儿配方奶粉受到三聚氰胺污染,提醒公众立即停止使用该品种奶粉,已食用该奶粉的婴幼儿如出现小便困难等异常症状要及时就诊。  请看外电的报道:  The New Zealand-based Fonterra, a major investor in the Chinese dairy firm Sanlu says the compa
Unit 6_Do you like bananas?    Ⅰ. 词汇_根据句意和首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。  1. My sister doesn’t l_____ apples.  2. These are b_____. They are yellow.  3. Let’s r_____ to our school.  4. She eats h_____ food every d
以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育是当今教育改革的主旋律, 课堂教学是对学生进行创新教育的主阵地,如何真正发挥主阵地的作用,变“接受性学习”为“创造性学习”,关键在于教师。要在学习英语的过程中,提供更多愉快的学习机会和发展空间,激励学生参与学习活动的积极性,促进思维发展,培养学生独立获取知识的学习能力和勇于创新的主体意识,形成知识技能,促进学生的主体性发展。    一、激发兴趣,培养创新意识
内容提要: 本文从教学目标、教学方法、教学内容三个方面阐述了自己对国家基础教育课程改革的认识和看法。教育目标由原来注重知识的传授而强调让学生形成积极主动的学习态度;教学的重点由重传授向重发展转变,教师教学要以人为本,呼唤人的主体精神;教学内容由过去的“繁、难、偏、旧”,过渡到教材充分体现了“与现实生活相联系”的特点。  关键词:激发、培养、自主、合作、兴趣  通过新课程的培训后,我用业余时间认真研