Deep Thinking of the India- EC Preference Case——Is GSP Scheme Beneficial to Developing Countries?

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In 2005,India’s challenge to the European C ommunity’s(EC) Generalized System of Preferences(GSP) scheme resulted in a landmark ruling by the W T O ’s Appellate Body.T he Appellate Body had a landmark finding that the Enabling C lause imposes legal obligation on the preference-granting countries,w hich for a long time considered GSP treatment a conditional gift and designed their ow n GSP scheme as they saw fit.How ever,the guidance given by the EC-Preference case is far from clear: the legal uncertainties of the “nexus”requirement,combined with the open questions in the“non-discriminatory”requirement,make the Appellate Body’s decision difficult to implement.As a result,the decision put the legitimacy of the conditional preferential treatments in EC and the U.S.GSP in doubt.O n the other hand,the Appellate Body’s decision w as subject to certain practical limitations of the case and generated a good number of legal uncertainties in the area of conditional GSP.T he GSP nevertheless serves the developing w orld even better by forgoing the GSP completely.In conclusion,the operation and the future of the GSP currently remains an unsettled area in the W T O system,w hich w ill be further addressed by later GSP practice. In 2005, India’s challenge to the European Community (EC) Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) scheme resulted in a landmark ruling by the WTO’s Appellate Body.The Appellate Body had a landmark finding that the Enabling C lause imposes legal obligation on the preference-granting countries, w hich for a long time considered GSP treatment a conditional gift and designed their ow n GSP scheme as they saw fit .How ever, the guidance given by the EC-Preference case is far from clear: the legal uncertainties of the “nexus ” requirement, combined with the open questions in the “non-discriminatory ” requirement, make the Appellate Body’s decision difficult to implement. As a result, the decision put the legitimacy of the conditional preferential treatments in EC and the USGSP in doubt. O the other hand, the Appellate Body’s decision w as subject to certain practical limitations of the case and generated a good number of legal uncertainties in the area of ​​conditional GSP. serve the developing w orld even better for for developing the GSP completely.In conclusion, the operation and the future of the GSP currently remains an unsettled area in the w T O system, w hich w ill be further addressed later GSP practice.
摘要:社会主义核心价值观是处世之本、是兴国之魂。“爱国、敬业、诚信、友善”是每个公民都应遵守的基本道德和行为准则。在幼儿园阶段对学前儿童进行社会主义核心价值观教育,对培养社会主义的合格建设者与接班人具有重要的意义和作用。本文主要从四个方面对如何教育培养学前儿童的社会主义核心价值观进行了探讨。  关键词:学前儿童 核心价值观 爱国 敬业 诚信 友善  中图分类号:G641文献标识码:A文章编号:10
摘 要:在21世纪信息化背景下需要教师通过多媒体技术,提高学生学习能力。  关键词:白板;地理课堂  一、 信息时代的要求  随着社会的发展,信息时代对老师、学生要求的知识越来越多,技能要求越来越高,更多的技术渗透到学校课堂教育,这样的信息时代需要教师学习新的知识了解新的信息,对教师的教学理念提出了更高的要求,从教师“教”到学生“学”,无不要求对注重学生思考、培养探究分析能力、增强学习的主动性等多
随着现代教育技术进入课堂,传统的作文教学模式受到冲击,高速发展的时代呼唤新型的作文教学模式。在作文教学中,我尝试用信息技术指导学生习作,通过教学实践深深体会到:运用信息技术的特殊效能,采取组合教学的方式,形象生动,感染力强,是提高学生写作兴趣、培养观察能力,发展学生智力和听、说、读、写能力的有效途径。    一、让信息技术提供翔实素材    小学生生活阅历浅、知识面狭窄,生活经验贫乏,造成他们在写