空蝶鞍综合征(Empty Sella Syndr-ome),简称空鞍征,是指蛛网膜下腔疝入到蝶鞍内,垂体受压产生的一系列临床表现。蝶鞍多增大,但也可正常。鞍隔常不完整。1951年Busch首先用“空蝶鞍”来表示鞍隔不完整或完全缺如,垂体受压扁平位于鞍底。1962年Colpy等描述1鞍内肿瘤病人,放疗后视力一度好转,再次恶化后,行手术探查时,发现鞍内肿瘤无复发,但蝶鞍及视交叉处有致密的瘢痕组织,称其为“空蝶鞍
Empty Sella Syndr-ome (Abbreviated as Empty Saddle Syndrome) refers to a series of clinical manifestations of subarachnoid space invasion into the sella and pituitary pressure. The sella increases, but it can also be normal. Saddle is often incomplete. In 1951, Busch first used “an empty sella” to indicate that the saddle septum was incomplete or completely absent, and that the pituitary gland was compressed and flattened at the bottom of the saddle. In 1962, Colpy et al. described 1 patients with intracranial tumors who had improved vision after radiotherapy and deteriorated again. After surgical exploration, they found that there was no recurrence of intracranial tumors, but there were dense scar tissue around the sella and the optic chiasm. Empty Sella