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Many ancient Chinese poets attached importance to images in the creation of their poems. The single,disjunct,juxtaposed or super-imposed images are frequently employed in the ancient Chinese po-ems especially in Tang poems. Ezra Pound,tried to perceive the Chinese ideogram as a complex of images and derived from it the concept of a many layered,fantasti-cally interlocking poetry. Nevertheless what the Imagists sought was the outward structure of the poems and what they imitated was only the form of the ancient Chinese poetry. However,Imagism did contribute to the poetry of early twenti-eth century by its concise,tight and precise aspects and its artisic fea-tures in presenting images. It has dramatically in turn influenced the modern and contemporary Chinese poets. Hu Shi,who adopted what Imagism advocated,put forward in 1917 cight principles in composing modern poems. “Nine-Leaf Poets” in the 40’s, termed as the New Modernists,were this way or that keen in creating novel images in their poems. And poets of obscurity, who surfaced in 1979, disregard-ing established conventions, were particularly good at producing groups of images which are usually vague and indefinite in meanings.Images in modern and contemporary Chinese poems are different from either Imagism or Tang poems. They have undergone some changes and have developed in meaning and the way they are present-ed. The ancient Chinese poets attached importance to images in the creation of their poems. The single, disjunct, juxtaposed or super-imposed images are frequently employed in the ancient Chinese po-ems especially in Tang poems. Ezra Pound, tried to perceive the Chinese ideogram As a complex of images and derived from it the concept of a many layered, fantasti-cally interlocking poetry. fantasti-cally interlocking poetry. Imagism did contribute to the poetry of early twenti-eth century by its concise, tight and precise aspects and its artisic fea-tures in presenting images. It has dramatically in turn influenced the modern and contemporary Chinese poets. Hu Shi, who applied what Imagism advocated, put forward in 1917 cight principles in composing modern poems. “Nine-Leaf Poets” in the 40’s, termed as the New Modernists, were this way or that keen in creating novel image s in their poems. And poets of obscurity, who surfaced in 1979, disregard-ing established conventions, were particularly good at producing groups of images which are usually vague and indefinite in meanings .Images in modern and contemporary Chinese poems are different from either Imagism or Tang poems. They have undergone some changes and have developed in meaning and the way they are present-ed.
每到中秋月圆之夜,中国人总会不由自主地想起这首词——  水调歌头·中秋  [宋] 苏 轼  明月几时有,把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人间?  转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。不应有恨,何事长向别时圆。人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。  诗词故事  苏轼这一辈子,可真是历尽坎坷。他21岁那年参加科考,才华震动
2013年高考即将到来,我们如何在最后的时段里有效冲刺?本文结合对2012年高考新课标全国理综卷生物试题的简要分析,对备战2013年生物高考提出个人建议。  一、2012年高考新课标全国理综卷生物试题分析  1.考点分析  2.试题特点  试题遵循考试大纲,稳中求新。考查导向“稳”,考查题型“新”,考查角度“新”。试题难度梯度合理,试卷落实了新课程理念,与新课程改革相协调,突出了生物学科特点,有较
咖啡们,想试试可以边看边吃的早餐吗?多种口味,多种选择;上学路上,穿梭的汽车都开出了花;来到学校,黑板不见了;放学路上,同学们都抱着星星回 Coffee, would like to try to