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1.选地和隔离海南的旱地和水田均可作为玉米南育的地块。由于旱地一般有机质含量少速效养分低,土壤含砂量较大,易渗透,土壤肥沃性较差,故应选择土层深厚,土壤肥沃且有灌溉条件的地块。选择水田时,除土层深厚,地壤肥沃外应着重于有良好排水条件的地块,遇雨能及时排出以免发生涝害。士质最好为黑沙土和灰沙土。手配区应选离住地近,地块四周必须有篱笆,以防牲畜危害。较大面积自交系繁殖应远离农户以确保质量。隔离在海南是一项极其重要和关键工作。因南繁单位多,且大多为玉米,寻找合适的隔离区实为困难。 1. The selection and isolation of dry and paddy fields in Hainan can be used as the land of South Corn. Due to the low organic matter content of dry land, low available nutrients, large amount of sandy soil, easy infiltration and poor soil fertility, it is necessary to select plots with deep soil layers, fertile soil and irrigated conditions. When paddy field is selected, in addition to the deep soil layer and fertile soil, it should focus on the plots with good drainage conditions, and timely discharge when the rain can occur to avoid waterlogging. Best quality black sand and lime sand. Hand area should choose to live near, the plot must have fences around to prevent livestock hazards. Larger areas of inbred breeding should be far away from farmers to ensure quality. Isolation in Hainan is an extremely important and crucial task. Due to many units of Nanfan, and most of them are maize, it is difficult to find suitable quarantine areas.
目前有不少违法广告仍在刊播,国家工商局要求媒介单位依法自查、自纠。否则将受到查处。从今年2月1日起,各级工商部门将对以下六种违法广告进 At present, many illegal ad
斧形沙芥(Pugionium dolabratum Maxim.)是十字花科(Cruciferae)沙芥属(Pugionium Gaertn.)二年生草本植物。生长于荒漠及半荒漠地带的流动或半流动沙丘上。是一种具有较高的
本试验以?左山一?葡萄(V. amurensiscv.Zuoshan1)为母本,?SO4?为父本杂交的7 个子代株系(A11、A14、A15、A17、A34、A35、A48)和 101-1 为父本杂交的 2个子代株系(B24、B26)为试验材
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) leads to cognitive impairment (CI),but there have been no effect ive pharmacotherapies or drugs for cognitive dysfunction in T2D
MicroRNAs (miRNAs),some small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression at the posttran-scriptional level,are always aberrantly expressed in carcinomas.In t