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假如你翻看我的见报剪贴本,就会发现:上面尽是些方方块块的“火柴盒”,60余篇稿件竟无一超过1000字的。我参军后刚下连队时,恰逢驻地乡党委在我连举办一期为时半月的“党员培训班”。于是,我草草地采访后赶紧写稿。事实材料不够,空泛议论来凑,两天写成四千字的《鱼水新歌》。结果当然很简单:虽未填进编辑同志的废纸篓,却重新在我这里报了“到”。从那时起,我就开始打“小”的主意了。前年8月,战友小朱家中不幸失火,想向我借点钱以解燃眉之急,我身边有钱 If you look at my newspaper scrapbook, you will find: the above is all square pieces of “matchbox”, more than 60 articles were actually no more than 1000 words. When I joined the army just after the army, coincides with the resident of the township party held in my company for a period of half a month of “party training courses.” So, I hurriedly wrote the draft after an interview. The fact that the material is not enough, empty discussions to gather, two days written four thousand words “new song of fish.” The result of course is very simple: although not filled into the compilation of comrades trash, but reported to me again, “to.” Since then, I started to play “small” idea. Last year in August, comrade Xiaowu misfortune in the fire, want to lend me some money to solve the urgent needs, I have money around
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