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豫北边陲的内黄县,具有悠久的历史,厚重的文化,是一处古老神奇而又充满生机和希望的大地。近年来,河南省内黄县司法局以构建和谐社会为己任,以创新促发展,以整合求效能,立足本职,真抓实干,各项工作实现整体飞跃,开创了全县司法行政工作新局面。2005年以来,被国家司法部命名为“全国司法行政基层建设工作先进单位”;二安乡司法所被命名为“全国模范人民调解委员会”;楚旺镇王庄村荣膺“全国民主法冶示范村”称号。今年5月,内黄县被中宣部、国家司法部等部门联合表彰为“200l-2005年全国法制宣传教育先进县”。全局受到省市县表彰的先进集体和个人达32个、53人次之多。 内黄县司法局坚持抓班子,带队伍,促工作,不断增强凝聚力和战斗力,以“快”、“实”、“细”、“严”的工作作风树立了司法行政队伍新形象;在深入开展普法依法治理,强力推进依法冶县;积极参与综冶资源整合,构筑民调大格局;拓宽安置帮教途径;积极为弱势群体提供法律援助;参与处理涉法信访案件;努力改善办公环境等工作中取得了突出成绩,为全县改革、发展、稳定做出了突出贡献,在政治文明、物质文明、精神文明建设领域谱写了司法行政工作新的篇章。 在“十一五”规划实现良好开局之年,内黄县司法局将继续紧紧围绕全面建设小康社会、努力构建社会主义和谐社会的宏伟日标和县委、县政府的工作大局,坚持科学发展观,努力推进人民调解、普法依法治理和法律服务三大工作格局,确保队伍建设这个重点。坚持改革创新、夯实基础、培育特色、争创一流。着眼于巩固发展何力的组织保障,大力加强司法行政队伍建设;着眼于提高全民法律素质,深入开展法制宣传教育工作;着眼于社会主义新农村建设,努力提供优质高效的法律服务;着眼于促进社会和谐,积极化解矛盾纠纷;着眼于基层基础工作,切实加强司法行政基层建设。继续弘扬“实”、“快”、“细”、“严”的工作作风,树立正确的 Neihuang County in the northern border of Henan Province, with its long history and heavy culture, is an ancient and mysterious land full of vitality and hope. In recent years, Neihuang County Bureau of Justice in Henan Province to build a harmonious society as its mission, to promote innovation and development, integration and efficiency, based on their own jobs, work hard, all the work to achieve an overall leap in the county created a new situation in judicial administration . Since 2005, it has been named as “National Advanced Unit for Grassroots Construction of Judicial Administration” by the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China; the judicial office of Anyuan Township has been named “National Model People's Mediation Committee”; Wangzhuang Village of Chuwang Town has won the honorary title of “ ”title. In May this year, Neihuang County was jointly commended by the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Justice and other departments as “200l - The number of advanced collectives and individuals commended by provinces, cities and counties as a whole reached 32, with 53 more trips. The Bureau of Justice of Neihuang County persists in grasping the team, leading the ranks, promoting the work, continuously enhancing the cohesion and combat effectiveness, and setting up a new image of the judicial administrative team with the working style of ”quick“, ”real“, ”fine“ and ”strictness“ We should actively carry out the integration of resources for comprehensive management of moxibustion, build a large pattern of public opinion regulation, broaden the channels of placement and help-aid, actively provide legal aid to vulnerable groups, participate in the handling of case-related petitions, and strive to improve the working environment Achieved outstanding results, made outstanding contributions to the reform, development and stability of the county, and wrote a new chapter in judicial administrative work in the fields of political civilization, material civilization and spiritual civilization. In the ”Eleventh Five-Year Plan“ to achieve a good start year, Neihuang County Bureau of Justice will continue to closely focus on building a moderately prosperous society, and strive to build a socialist harmonious society, the grand goal of the county and county government work, adhere to the scientific development And strive to promote the people's mediation, popularization of law according to the law and legal services, the three work patterns to ensure that the ranks of the construction of this focus. Adhere to the reform and innovation, lay a solid foundation, cultivate characteristics, and give top-notch. Focus on the organizational guarantee of consolidating and developing the power of the great efforts to strengthen the ranks of the judicial administration; focus on improving the legal quality of all people, carry out legal publicity and education in depth; focus on building a new socialist countryside and strive to provide high quality and efficient legal services; Social harmony and actively resolve contradictions and disputes; focus on grass-roots work, strengthen the grass-roots administration of justice administration. Continue to carry forward the work style of ”real“, ”fast“, ”fine“ and ”strict" and establish a correct
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