Some ways to deal with students’ errors in English teaching

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  【Abstract】:Language errors is an inevitable phenomenon in the foreign language learning .It is also an important part of the foreign language teaching to find , analyze and correct the students’ errors ,but how to properly identify and correct students’ errors is a complex problem. So this paper will help you find some ways to deal with students’ errors.
  【Key words】: Deal with, language errors
  I. Introduction:
  When asked “Do you want your teachers to correct your English errors? How do you feel when they do? ” .
  Some students say: “I wish my teacher would stop correcting me when I’m in the middle of trying to express my ideas, I keep forgetting what I want to say.” Others say: “my teacher never corrects my mistakes in my speaking activities, so I don’t know whether I am making any progress.”
  It is true that correcting students sometimes embarrasses them and discourages them from speaking and writing. However, an equally important reason is that frequently correcting doesn’t seem to help students learn anything. No matter how many times teachers correct their errors; they seem to keep on making those same errors.
  Does this mean that teachers should stop correcting students’ errors in writing and speaking? Most teachers would probably say no. In fact, students expect teachers to correct their errors and won’t be happy if they get no correcting at all, and correcting may be helpful to students if it is done in proper ways.
  As to the question of exactly how teachers should correct students’ errors, there is no single correct answer. Error correction is more of an art than a science, and requires teachers to make quick judgment considering many factors such as
  1. Will this hurt the student’s feelings too much?
  2. Will the student understand the correction? Can the student self-correct if I just call his attention to the error, or will explanation be necessary?
  3. Is this error important enough to justify calling attention to it?
  4. Should I ask other students to correct it?
  5. Should I deal with this now, later or never?
  6. How much positive encouragement is needed along with the corrective feedback?
  II. Some ways to deal with students’ errors
  1. Teachers should be selective in error correction.
  When teachers correct every error, it not only tends to discourage students but also doesn’t help them know which problems to focus on, therefore teachers should only correct some students’ errors, which are most important to correct.
  (1). Errors that cause difficulty in communication;
  (2). Errors that occur frequently in students’ speech and writing;
  (3). Errors which are highly stigmatized, in other words errors which would cause people to think the student was stupid or uneducated.
  Teachers should tailor their corrections to students’ needs and proficiency levels, only calling students’ attention to errors that they are capable of learning from, and correct errors in some kinds of class activities intended to build accuracy rather than in activities intended to build fluency.
  2. Another important thing in error correction is involving students in correcting their own errors.
  Of course, students often can’t correct their own errors without assistance from the teacher; sometimes they don’t even notice their errors unless the teacher calls attention to them. However, as we have mentioned above, if the teacher corrects the error for the student, the student doesn’t frequently learn much from the feedback. Thus, when correcting students” errors, teachers should not only call students’ attention to problems, and perhaps give students hints as to how to solve the problems, but should also make them do some of the work of correction. This increases the likelihood that students will learn from feedback given by teachers.
  As we know, too much negative feedback will discourage students from trying to speak or write, but if teachers greet all utterances, sentences, including those with errors with smiles and praise, students will be encouraged to mistakenly believe that there was nothing wrong with what they said or what they wrote, so teachers need to strive for a balance between encouragement and corrective feedback that allow students to know something went wrong; encouragement and corrective feedback should be mixed together. Teachers should discern the optimal tension between positive and negative feedback; providing enough green lights to encourage continued communication but not so many that crucial errors go unnoticed, and providing enough red lights to call attention to those crucial errors , but not so many that the learner is discouraged from speaking at all.
  I feel correction is at least of some use if done well. When a student is saying something, communicating with teachers or other students, teachers should not interrupt.
  You can point out those crucial errors after he finishes his talking. Teachers can write the common mistake students make in homework or in compositions on the blackboard, call students’ attention to the errors and invite students participate in correction their own errors.
  In this way, teachers can help students learn something from their errors, and avoid making the same errors.
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  [2]Burr,M.&C.Kiparsky, le C,ooficon:A Repair Manual for English.Rowley:Mass:Newbury House,1992.
  [3] James,C.2001.语言学习和语言使用中的错误:错误分析探讨[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社.
【摘要】小学低年级识字教学是小学语文教学的重要内容之一,过去的单调、乏味的教学方式必须改变。教师应引导学生掌握方法巧识字,引导学生在生活实践中多识字,激发兴趣使学生爱识字。  【关键词】识字教学方法  我们了解汉字是形象联想的文字。汉字所具有的表意特性及字形等等,之间具有密切的联系,所以在我们教学过程中,可以依据汉字这一特性,来提高学生识字的兴趣。那我们应该怎样去做呢?  一、巧方法的作用  在汉
利用多媒体辅助地理教学,能够增加课堂教学的密度,在教学中有效地帮助学生突破重点、难点,同时充分调动学生的主体性,实施个别化教育,真正实现地理教学的优质高效。为了提高课堂教学效率,提高教学质量,使多媒体辅助教学充分的服务课堂教学。下面就以自己制作一些课件为例浅谈一下多媒体辅助教学在地理课堂教学的作用。  一创设情境,激发兴趣  兴趣味是最好的老师,有了兴趣,学生才能注意力集中,思维主动活跃,才能充分
摘要:表现性素描侧重艺术思维,是作者个性化的表现。以其表述内在的个体情感,为培养学生的艺术审美判断能力与建立艺术个性搭建了平台。  关键词:素描写生 认识和体验 艺术思维 素描的再现与表现 个性表现   表现性素描重点是个体的本质认识与表达,也是个体对客观物象的内心体验和艺术思维活动的结果。无论通过何种素描表现形式的展现,都把培养创造力与艺术思维训练作为手段,以注重内在的个体情感体验与表达作为真正
山东省寿光市上口镇第一初级中学  著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基曾经说过:“没有爱就没有教育”。 高尚纯洁的师爱,是开启学生心智的钥匙,是用以点燃照亮学生的火焰,育人的核心就是爱。  作为班主任,一定要全身心地去爱学生,关心,尊重,理解,宽容和信任学生,用自己的爱去唤起学生的爱,用自己的心灵去培养学生的心灵。班主任只有将自己的爱毫无保留地献给学生,才能搞好班级工作,才能更好地实施教育。  一、把爱洒向每一
【案例主题】  作为初中英语教师,课堂上提问是组织教学最普通的技巧。提问的质量直接影响课堂教学效果,提问的有效性直接影响课堂教学活动的有效开展。我从平时听课及教学中留心对课堂提问进行了归纳统计,从中发现超过半数的提问属于浅层次的问题,而需要学生在组织答案时进行思维活动的高层次的问题问得很少,提问现状停留在记忆和理解上,教师并不了解学生的“最近发展区”;有时提问没有照顾到“两头”的学生;有时教师只是
教学目标:  (1)激发学生对生活的热爱,调动学生观察思考和练笔的积极性,真正让习作练笔成为学生的生活需要。  (2)通过抓读写联系,帮助学生掌握如何抓具体事例和抓人物特点写人的习作方法。  (3)培养学生独立构思和认真修改自己习作的良好习惯。  教学课时:二课时  教学过程与教学策略:  一、读写联系,领悟写法规律  1.启发学生从学过的写人的课文中或读过的优秀习作中领悟写法。  同学们,语文课
摘要:转变管理理念,提升办学品位;创新制度管理,推进自主内涵发展,激发教师群体的活力,促进教师专业发展;加强校园文化建设,营造校园文化氛围,对农村小学管理进行了探索与实践,提高了学校整体办学质量和办学效益,全校上下呈现出风正气顺,人和业兴的发展势态,形成人心凝聚、安定团结、师生和谐的大好局面。   关键词:农村小学 学校管理 探索 实践      随着全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标一步步走近,农村城市
摘要随着国家地理课程标准的实施,教学改革的不断深入,为达到新课标要求,最迫切的是要让传统中僵化呆板的地理课堂变得生动活泼起来,以充分体现学生的主体地位。如果从中学生感兴趣的艺术形式入手,把相关艺术嫁接到课堂教学中,利用艺术形式创设教学情景,使学生思维生疑,生趣求知,愉快地参与到教学活动中,培养了学生学习地理兴趣,提高了课堂教学质量  关键词培养学生;地理课;兴趣;用途  当下,地理课作为非中考科目
没有人喜欢一张冷若冰霜的脸,没有学生能忍受表情冷漠的教师上枯燥无味的课。教师的笑会让学生感到学习是一种平等的交流,可以让学生在交流中学到知识,快乐成长。所以教师必须要学会微笑,让“笑”称为艺术。  教师要有真诚的笑。真诚,不用言语表白,不用有意展示,他体现在教师的言谈举止中,尤其是笑声里。当与学生谈心时,教师可以和学生一起开心的笑,它有助于学生形成活泼开朗的性格和积极乐观的人生态度,有利于拉近师生