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  My 87-year-old grandmother is frail, housebound, nearly blind—and ready to die. She wants to die. But no one will let her. These days she answers all my phone calls with
  1)gallows humor.
  “How are you?” I ask.
  “I’m still here, sorry to say,” she answers.
  My grandmother describes herself as “2)pro-choice.” She believes she has the right to decide her own fate. She thinks that she has lived a full life but now, as the scope of her worldly activities has narrowed so much that she can no longer drive or even go to the bathroom by herself; as she bears the pain of multiple vascular surgeries; as 3)macular degeneration has left her with eyesight so poor, she is unable to read a book or even watch TV; as she has suffered the
  4)trauma of breaking her hip twice, her arm once, and her shoulder once—she feels her time has come. She believes she has the right to end her life at the precise point in time when she, as the author of her own narrative, sees it as “over”.
  She is wrong—and found this out the hard way.
  A few years back, she wrote to Dr. Jack Kevor-kian asking for help. He called her back. My mother, who happened to be at my grandmother’s house that afternoon, answered the phone. She asked who it was. Dr. Kevorkian identified himself. With tears in her eyes and unable to utter a sound, my mother handed the phone to her mom, who lay in her darkened bedroom, recovering from yet another surgery. By the end of the call, it was my grandmother who was in tears. Dr. Kevorkian would not help her; technically speaking, none of her 5)ailments were fatal.
  A few years after that, housebound and in considerable pain from 6)unrelenting vascular problems in her legs, my grandmother attempted suicide with a rich 7)stew of pills. Unfortunately for her, she had forgotten that her cleaning woman had a scheduling conflict that week and was to show up that day, a day ahead of schedule. The cleaning woman called 8)911. The hospital had misplaced her “9)do-not-resuscitate” orders. Grandma was revived.
  She was furious. To make matters worse, she was 10)mandated into the hospital psychia-tric 11)ward in the aftermath of the attempt. She 12)railed against fate: “How can they say I’m crazy when any person in the right mind would find this life depressing?”
  My grandmother is a fervent believer in the right to dictate the terms of one’s own death. And she is not alone. According to a May 2005
  13)Gallup poll, 75% of Americans approve of 14)euthanasia. Nevertheless, it is very hard to die in this country, even when every cell in your body is crying out for it.
  A month ago my grandmother was called in by her vascular surgeon. The doctor had noted an unusual and dangerous 15)aneurysm on her leg and recommended immediate surgery. My grandmother declined. The doctor tried to scare her. “You could die,” he said, “Any day.” It was the wrong tactic.
  He pushed, “It’ll be awful.”
  “How so?”
  The doctor, as my grandmother later told me on the phone, then explained that the vessel would inevitably burst—in a day, a week or a month—and blood would fly.
  “So, it would be messy?” she asked him.
  He confirmed this.
  She considered it a small price.
  According to the doctor, she would feel cold for a few minutes, then pass out and die.
  About three weeks following that visit with the doctor, my grandmother passed away in the middle of the night, peacefully and quickly, bleeding to death in her bed. I can only hope that at long last the end of her 16)protracted suffering granted her the relief she so longed for.
  May her gentle soul rest in peace!


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