Mixing Characteristics of Oil Inclusions with Different Thermal Maturities in the Wenliu Uplift, Don

来源 :地球科学学刊(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhou1225
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Multiple types of oil inclusions with different fluorescence colors have been detected in the northern Dongpu depression. Recent evidences show that these inclusions may have been trapped simul-taneously or during a very short period. Therefore, whether these oils were mixed before trapping is un-known. In this study, we analyzed the petrography and fluorescence spectral characteristics of oil inclu-sions in the Wenliu uplift in the northern Dongpu depression, and assessed the data with the oil mixing ra-tio curve obtained in the previous experiment. The results show that there are three types of oil inclusions (type I, type Ⅱ and type Ⅲ) with yellow, green and blue fluorescence colors, corresponding to low-mature, medium-mature and high-mature oil, respectively. The “pure” oil inclusions, do exist in type Ⅱ and type Ⅲ group of oil inclusions, showing the medium-mature oil was generated from the source rock rather than being formed by the mixture of high-mature and low-mature end oils. Most of the oil inclusions are mixtures of high-mature and medium-mature end oils from the sub-sags to the Wenliu uplift, the mixing degree increases to close to 50%. The oil between the Qianliyuan sub-sag and the Wenliu uplift was mainly mixed by medium mature oils, whereas the oil between the Liutun sub-sag and the Wenliu uplift was mainly mixed by high mature oil.
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