四川凉山军分区于2月下旬召集人武部和地方“双拥”机构领导召开座谈会,围绕民兵预备役人员“如何参加西部大开发,为振兴地方经济做贡献”问题,进行了研究和讨论,取得了一致共识,为民兵预备役人员在西部大开中发挥作用迈出了坚实的一步。 抓好学习教育,激发民兵预备役人员参加西部大开发的动力。军分区拟制了学习和教育计划,把3月份作为“西部大开发学习教育月”,组织民兵开展“西部大开发,民兵怎么办”的
Liangshan Military District convened the forum in February of the same year by leaders of the armed forces departments and local “double-support” institutions and held discussions and discussions on the issue of “how to participate in the large-scale development of the western region and make contribution to rejuvenating the local economy” for reserve personnel in the militia. The consensus reached a solid step forward for the militia reservists to play their part in opening up to the west. We must do a good job in learning and education, stimulate the motivation for militia and reservists to participate in the large-scale development of the western region. The military subzone formulated the study and education plan, took March as the “month of learning and education in the large-scale development of the western region” and organized militiamen to carry out the “large-scale development of the western region and how militiamen do”