At the Drawing Board

来源 :考试与评价·七年级版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daliangengbo
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  Look at the office buildings and houses around you. Do you know how they developed as they did? People called architects① designed② them. Architects think of how they want a building or house to look. Then they draw the plans to show every part of the building or house.
  Architects draw their plans on paper and they also use computers. The plans are called a “blueprint③”, and it shows where the rooms, windows, doors, and stairs will be. The blueprint shows the size and shape of everything exactly as it will look.
  A blueprint is like a map. People follow a map to get somewhere. Builders follow a blueprint to put a building together, so the blueprint must show the correct measurements④.
  Architects also design bridges. And sometimes architects change buildings that are already standing. So architects need to learn a lot of different things. It takes a lot of training. But if you talk to architects, they will say it is worth⑤ it.
  Answer the questions.
  1. An architects plan is called a ____.
  2. Which word in the third paragraph means “right”?
  3. From the passage we learn that ____.
  A. architects dont enjoy their work
  B. architects must be very careful when making a blueprint
  C. architects only need computers
  D. architects often build bridges themselves
  4. The passage is mainly about ____.
  A. how to build a house                  B. how to use a map
  C. an architects job                     D. how to use a computer
  5. How is a blueprint like a map?
一、连读  连读一般发生在同一意群(即意思密切的一组词)中,这一规律同汉语的连读情况相像。连读时,一个单词的末尾经常和下一个单词的开头连起来读。具体有以下几种情况:  1. 前一個单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开头,这时可以将前一个单词结尾的辅音与后一个单词开头的元音自然流畅地连读。例如:  2. 前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以另一个辅音开头时,两词之间不作停顿,但前一个单词词尾的辅音会发生
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1. 记重难点  重点是课本中最主要、最关键、最基本的内容,也是最精华的部分。难点是同学们难于理解、难于掌握的内容。难点不一定是重点,重点也不一定是难点,重点和难点之间既有区别,又有联系。我们要抓重点、攻难点。重点、难点解决了,其余部分不攻自破。所以,我们无论是对单词、短语、句子、语法还是练习都要记住重点、难点。  2. 记“新”点  学生的学习过程是一个新旧知识相互作用、新旧更替的过程,我们要汲
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