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In this paper the mixing of a sample in the curved microchannel with heterogeneous surface potentials is analysed numerically by using the control-volume-based
妈妈是一个名副其实的“花痴”。  每个周末,妈妈都会抽出时间去花市逛逛。整条街熙熙攘攘,各种各样的花草琳琅满目。妈妈摸摸这盆,闻闻那盆,瞬间踮起脚,又猛然蹲下身子,不知疲倦,穿梭在各种鲜花、绿草中,陶醉在美不胜收的绿色海洋中。  突然,我发現妈妈盯着一盆兰花愣住了神儿。这盆兰花的叶子如长剑,看着高垂柔弱,摸上去却坚韧无比。“这是什么品种的兰花?怎么养的?”妈妈认真地问起老板。“这是寒兰,喜欢阳光,
Sedimentation of particles in inclined and vertical vessels in numerically simulated using a finite volume method where the Eulerian multiphase model is applied
In this paper the values of the crystalline-electric-field parameters Anm for R2Fe17 and R2Fe17H3 (R=Tb,Ho,Er)are evaluated by fitting calculations to the magne
This paper presents a synchronization method, motivated from the constructive controllability analysis, for two identical chaotic systems. This technique is app
This paper reports that the nonlinear refractive index of a novel organic optical storage film doped azodiphenylamine polymer is measured by using the Z-scan te
Er-doped Sio_ films were synthesized at 500℃ by ion beam assisted deposition technique and annealed at 800 and 1100℃ for 2h in the air atomosphere. The analys
This paper demonstrates the passively mode-locked Nd:GdVO4 laser operating on the 4F3/2-4I9/2 transition at 912 nm by using a semiconductor saturable-absorber m
With the increasing of x, the ZFC (zero-field cooling) M - T curves for the polycrystals La0.6-xGdxSr1.4MnO4 (x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6) change from spin-glass-li