
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shui__hen
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1.凉水脱涩法。把采下的柿子放入盛有清水的缸内,水要淹没果实。把缸放在阳光充足的地方,每隔两天换一次水,5~7天即可脱涩。经凉水脱涩的果实质地清脆。 2.温水脱涩法。将鲜柿放入40~50℃的温水中,水面淹没柿果,把缸口盖严。为防温度下降,可在缸底生火,使温度保持在40℃左右。这样不仅不会损伤柿果,而且还能使酶的活动量处于最高状态。一般20~24小时便可脱涩。用此法脱涩的柿子,果质较脆硬,味稍淡,但不耐久贮。 3.石灰水脱涩法。取5公斤生石灰,先用少量水将石灰化开, 1. Cold water astringent method. The persimmons taken into the tank filled with water, water to submerge the fruit. The cylinder on the sunny place, changing the water every two days, 5 to 7 days to astringent. Cold astringent fruit crisp texture. 2. warm water astringent method. The fresh persimmon into 40 ~ 50 ℃ warm water, water surface drown persimmon, the cylinder cover tightly. In order to prevent the temperature drop, you can fire at the bottom of the cylinder to keep the temperature around 40 ℃. This will not only damage the persimmon, but also make the enzyme activity in the highest state. Generally 20 to 24 hours can be astringent. Astringent persimmons with this method, the fruit is more crisp, slightly light taste, but not durable storage. 3. Astringent lime water method. Take 5 kg of quicklime, the first with a small amount of water will be open lime,
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