梦境能给人以启示,这被古今中外一些不畏艰难,致力攻克科学堡垒的科学家和艺术家们的“创造性”梦所证明。梦能给人一些什么启示呢?请看《梦境春秋》之四。 1965年,法国著名化学家奥古斯特·克库勒为寻找一种复杂的化学物质——苯分子的结构式,夜以继日奋战仍然解不开其中之谜。有一天晚上。精疲力竭的克库勒坐在火炉旁边睡觉。朦胧中,他仿佛看到调皮的火苗魔术似的变
Dreams can give enlightenment as evidenced by the “creative” dreams of some scientists and artists, both brave and hard at home and abroad, who are struggling to overcome the scientific bastions. Dream what can give some inspiration? Look at the “Dream of the Spring,” the fourth. In 1965, the famous French chemist Auguste Koehler to find a complex chemical - benzene molecular structure, night-long fight still can not open the mystery. One night. Exhausted Koehler sat by the fireplace to sleep. Obscure, he seems to see the naughty flame magic-like change