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各区、市、县人民政府,市府直属各单位: 市人民政府同意市经委《关于广州市国有工业企业全部实行放开经营综合改革的请示》,现批转给你们,并提出以下几点意见,请认真贯彻执行。一、我市国有工业企业全部实行放开经营综合改革,是加速我市企业经营机制的转换,增强企业自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展和自我约束的能力,推进市场经济体制建立的一项竽要措施。市各有关部门一定要积极支持,精心组织,主动配合,切实反这项工作做好。二、这批放开经营的企业,同前两批放开经营的试点企业一样,享受财税方面同等优惠政策,并对亏损企业给予扶持。三、各国有工业企业要认真贯彻落实国务院的《条例》,以及省、市的《实施办法》和《广州市国营工业企业放开经营综合改革试点的若干规定》(穗府[1992]20号),大力促进企业经营机制的转换,尽快制定放开经营综今改革的具体实施方案报主管局(总公司)或区、市、县经委审批,并报市体改委、市经委备案。四、各国有工业企业要严格依法经营,加强企业管理。积极改革,大胆实践。亏损企业、困难企业更要树立市场经济的观念,走向市场,开发市场,加快技术改造,开发市场需要的产品,改善经营管理,闯出一条扭亏增盈的活路。五、市体改委、市经委要加强检查督促《条例》和《实施办法》的贯彻落实工作,加强宏观调控,对出现的问题要牵头协调有关部门,及时予以解决。一九九三年七月七日 All districts, cities, counties, and people’s governments directly under the municipal government: The Municipal People’s Government has agreed with the Municipal Economic Commission that “All state-owned industrial enterprises in Guangzhou shall implement the instructions for opening up and operating comprehensive reforms.” They are hereby forwarded to you and put forward the following points of advice: Please carefully implement it. 1. All the state-owned industrial enterprises in our city have implemented comprehensive reforms to liberalize their operations. This is to speed up the transformation of the city’s operating mechanisms, enhance the company’s ability to operate autonomously, self-financing, self-development and self-restraint, and promote the establishment of a market economic system. To measure. All relevant departments of the city must actively support, carefully organize, and actively cooperate with each other, and do a good job in this work. Second, these enterprises that have liberalized their operations, like the pilot enterprises that have opened the first two batches of operations, enjoy the same preferential policies for fiscal and taxation, and provide support for loss-making enterprises. Third, industrial enterprises in various countries must conscientiously implement the “Regulations” of the State Council, and the “Implementation Measures” of the province and city, and “Some Regulations on the Pilot Program for Guangzhou’s State-owned Industrial Enterprises to Open up Comprehensive Reform” (No. 20, Suifu [1992]) ), Vigorously promote the transformation of the company’s operating mechanism, as soon as possible to formulate a specific implementation plan for the release of management reforms to the Office (Head Office) or district, city, county Economic Commission for approval, and report to the Municipal Commission for Economic Reform and Municipal Economic Commission for the record. Fourth, industrial enterprises in various countries must operate in strict accordance with laws and strengthen enterprise management. Actively reform and boldly practice. Loss-making enterprises and difficult enterprises must also establish the concept of a market economy, go to the market, develop markets, accelerate technological transformation, develop the products needed for the market, and improve business management, so as to find a way to turn losses into profits. 5. The Municipal Economic Reform Commission and the Municipal Economic Commission shall strengthen inspections and supervise the implementation of the Regulations and the Implementation Measures, strengthen macroeconomic regulation and control, and take the lead in coordinating with related departments to solve problems that arise. July 7, 1993
微软的新款游戏Xbox能够带给玩家前所未有的强有游戏体验,比如,让你体验真实的足球赛,它可能使你大汗淋漓 ,玩儿完后你还可能要洗澡间。然面让许多游戏迷伤心不已的是,因盗版
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