
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的分析2014年6月某民族中学发生一起甲型副伤寒暴发疫情的暴发原因,为预防和控制疫情提供参考。方法采取流行病调查和实验室检测方法,对暴发疫情数据及相关因素进行分析。结果本起疫情首发病例发病时间为2014年5月27日,截止6月14日,累计发病29例,罹患率2.25%。学生罹患率为2.34%,教职工罹患率为1.07%。男生罹患率为1.57%,女生罹患率为3.04%。3个年级的罹患率分别为1.83%、1.98%、3.86%。住读生罹患率为2.59%,走读生罹患率为1.29%。住读生中男生罹患率为1.93%,女生罹患率为3.21%。班级间、宿舍间均无明显聚集性。与学校饮用相同自来水和纯净水的居民、病例家属及病例所在村的居民,5月以来均无类似病例发现。本起疫情系首发病例发病后在校内生活、学习4天,造成学校公共场所或设施的污染,导致部分学生感染而陆续发病,通过密切接触而引起甲型副伤寒暴发疫情。结论本起疫情迅速得到有效地控制,主要取决于医疗机构对于疾病的发病动态趋势有高度的敏感性,医疗机构及疾控机构具备有快速准确的实验室检测能力,卫计行政部门及政府建立有强有力的指挥系统,因地制宜制订了有效的控制措施。学校突发传染病疫情的控制应标本兼治、统筹推进落实各项综合防制措施,强化各部门履职尽责意识是关键。 Objective To analyze the causes of the outbreak of an outbreak of paratyphoid fever in a ethnic high school in June 2014 and provide references for the prevention and control of the outbreak. Methods Epidemiological investigation and laboratory testing methods were used to analyze the outbreak data and related factors. Results The onset time of the first case of this outbreak was May 27, 2014, and ended on June 14, with a cumulative incidence of 29 cases and an attack rate of 2.25%. The student attack rate was 2.34% and the staff attack rate was 1.07%. The prevalence of boys was 1.57% and that of girls was 3.04%. The attack rates of the three grades were 1.83%, 1.98% and 3.86% respectively. Residency rate was 2.59%, the prevalence of students was 1.29%. Resident students in the attack rate of 1.93% boys, girls hit rate of 3.21%. Classroom, dormitory room no significant aggregation. Residents of schools with the same tap water and pure water, families of the cases and residents of the villages where the cases were found had no similar cases since May. The epidemic was the first case after the onset of the disease in the school life, learning 4 days, resulting in school public facilities or facilities, resulting in some students infected and gradually onset, caused by close contact with an outbreak of Paratyphoid fever. Conclusion The epidemic has been effectively controlled since the outbreak was mainly due to the high sensitivity of medical institutions to the trend of disease incidence. The medical institutions and CDCs have the capability of rapid and accurate laboratory tests and the establishment of government departments and agencies A strong command system, according to local conditions developed effective control measures. The control of outbreaks of school-borne infectious diseases should tackle both the symptoms and the root causes. It is the key to promote the comprehensive prevention and control measures as planned and to strengthen the sense of responsibility of all departments in performing their duties.
1 临床资料 本组9例为褥疮坏死溃疡期患者,均因骨折、中风、心脏病手术等长期卧床引起.其中男3例.女6例;年龄最大83岁,最小78岁,平均81岁;褥疮发生时间最长23天,最短12天.疮面发