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  China is gradually shedding its reputation as the world’s technology copycat. Some Chinese companies are also leading the way in new services and business models.
  The move toward pioneering also reflects a generational change, says Derrick Xiong, chief marketing officer of drone maker Ehang.
  The new generation of entrepreneurs, “the post-90s, were born to be global,” he says; “they have never experienced hard times in China so they have a completely different mindset” more akin to that of their peers in the US or Europe than their parents.
  China has embraced bike-sharing, pioneering a dockless model that offers cyclists advantages over comparable services in London and New York: bikes are unlocked using mobile apps, and can be picked up and left anywhere. Many are even GPS-tracked. Mobike (orange) and Ofo (yellow) have led the pack. One financier, only half joking, opines that the only barrier to entry will be when they run out of colours.
  A subsequent crackdown by regulators, irked at the piles of dumped bikes littering cities, portends potholes on the road. But that hasn’t deterred the like of LimeBike from rolling out a similar service in the US states of California, North Carolina and Florida following the dockless, QR code-based Chinese model.
  For much of China, the QR code, a type of barcode, is the key that unlocks the digital world. A swipe of the matrix with a mobile device lets a user hire a bike, pay for goods and grab a new contact’s details: why swap business cards when you can just hover your phone over that of your new acquaintance?
  Companies in the US, where the QR code was dismissed in 2013, now seem to be changing their view. Snapchat picked up the idea in 2015, allowing users to follow one another as easily as their WeChat peers by scanning each others’ QR codes, and proceeded to facilitate their use to access websites. Facebook this year is piloting ‘rewards’ QR codes to secure discounts in certain shops, while Spotify has adopted the technology to allow users to share music.   二维码在2013年受到美国企业的摒弃,如今美国企业似乎变了主意。Snapchat于2015年采纳了这一理念,允许用户通过扫码来加好友,就像微信一样方便,并进而使用二维码为用户访问网站提供便利。脸书今年试点“奖励”二维码,用户在指定商户扫码可打折,同时Spotify推出了扫码分享音乐。
  WhatsApp’s launch last month of business accounts showed the US messaging app taking another step down the path forged by Chinese peer WeChat.
  WeChat, Tencent’s chat and social media app, has long courted the business world. It is how government, celebrities and businesses from Burberry to Mondelez connect to customers in the Chinese social media space spicing up their chat with cool fashion show snaps, special offers and sales promotions and post information or news. WeChat has more than 20m ‘official accounts’, according to industry estimates, though not all are verfied.
  WhatsApp is now jumping on that bandwagon, following in the footsteps of WeChat. In an effort to help businesses keep in touch with their customers and to make money the Facebook-owned app has begun offering ‘verifed profile’ accounts, so customers know they are contacting the right shop or service.
  Retail 零售
  The world drew a collective gasp when Amazon splashed out $13.7bn in June to buy Whole Foods, bringing its cut-throat online competition to the bricks-and-mortar world of artisanal breads and organic kale. But Chinese rivals were ahead of the game. E-commerce giant Alibaba snapped up stakes in domestic supermarket group Lianhua in May and before that, in department store Intime. JD.com, which operates a similar asset-heavy model to Amazon, has outlined plans for a massive bricks and mortar presence.
  Alibaba calls the model “new retail”, fusing the physical and online worlds to better please customers try on a frock, buy cat food from the store for later delivery and a rice box to takeaway there and then and ultimately amass more data for itself.
  What next? 下一个领域?
  There are plenty of innovations still to tap or expand. Mobile payments in the US are a fraction of those in China, where the market was worth $8.8tn last year, according to iResearch. Gifting digital money for instance, at Chinese new year is taking hold elsewhere, already adapted in India via Tencent-backed Hike, a New Delhi-based messaging unicorn.
  But arguably the most covetable trend in China is the most basic: education. China last year produced roughly nine times as many graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics as the US. Even allowing for China’s bigger population, it still punches heavily above its weight, suggesting lot of room for many more innovations to be birthed in China.
据研究表明,颜值高的人在求职过程中也会遭到歧视。因为人们往往认为颜值高的人理应追求更好的工作,所以当他们应聘不是那么理想、工资较低的工作时,招聘方更愿意选择长相更为普通的应聘者。  Being perceived as attractive isn’t usually considered much of an impediment in today’s world. Oh, sure, ther
Thank God for it, for without our burning desire to lick the mouths of others where would the human race be?  感谢上帝,因为如果人类没有亲吻的欲望,还能繁衍在世界上吗?  The theory goes that kissing, snogging, whatever you want t
小孩的时间有时候过得真慢,比如宝珠,她觉得这个秋天无限漫长又美好。天总是那么蓝,云总是那么白,风总是那么清……就算雨水也一样美好——秋天的雨跟夏天的雨截然不同,它轻柔而仔细地落下来,把每一寸土地都滋润透,把每一片树叶都清洗干净……洗着洗着,树叶黄了,天气凉了,霜从子夜的天空降下来,大雁从遥远的北方飞过来,秋天就这么结束了。  下了一场薄雪后,冬天算是正式到来了。宝珠和宝容穿上了棉袄、棉裤和棉鞋。它
We all know working at cool tech companies can often mean free food all day, nap pods and leaving via a slide (maybe).  那些酷酷的科技公司每天都有免费的零食以及休息的小睡仓,走的时候只需要轻轻的划下卡就可以。  But one of the best - and most hel
古代名将色诺芬征服了小亚细亚,以及天知道他到过哪些地方,虽然他手中没有一张地图,可他依然到了他想去的地方。古代的哥特人一点儿没有地形方面的知识,竟完成了他们的冒险远征。所谓远征就是大踏步笔直往前行进。在一些荒凉的地方,四周可能布满了随时要扭断你脖子的敌人。谁的头脑要是像色诺芬那样,那他一定会在行军的途中创造真正的奇迹。  恺撒率领的罗马军团也没有凭借什么地图就打到了遥远的北国,而且又挺进了加莱海。
Napoleon  拿破仑  I loved you some time ago; since then I feel that I love you a thousand times better. Ah, let me see some of your faults; be less beautiful, less graceful, less tender, less good. But n
线小姐  线小姐是一条直线,哦不,有时候她会扭动身子变成一条曲线。她喜欢奔跑,喜欢舞蹈,喜欢以优美的姿势在墙上、地面行走,或者在空中跳跃。  线小姐有时候在城市行走。她沿着瘦长的公路跑到很远很远的地方,又沿着新建的大楼爬到很高很高的空中,最后累了,她就一个人来到海边,在波浪翻滚的沙滩上漫步。  线小姐有时候在乡村行走。她沿着弯弯曲曲的乡间小路钻到森林的深处,又攀着高高的电线翻过一座座大山。她最后卧
I call this little strategy the “2–Minute Rule” and the goal is to make it easier for you to get started on the things you should be doing.  我把这个小小的方法称为“2分钟规则”,目的是让你更加轻松地开始做你应该做的事情。  Here’s the deal… 
A note that Albert Einstein gave to a courier in Tokyo, briefly describing his theory on happy living, has surfaced after 95 years and is up for auction in Jerusalem.  95年前,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦在东京时曾经给一个邮递员写过一个字条
Holly Snape, who has been living in China for ten years, was involved in the English translation of the report. She said she is mostly interested in the new ideas put up in the report.  Holly Snape(中文