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1996年秋季全国药品交流会于8月28日在沈阳市落幕。综观这次交流会行情,给与会者总的印象是:总体货源充裕,供大于求明显;价格稳中趋降,交易十分谨慎;资金依旧紧绌,竞争异常激烈。就具体类别而言,其市态可概括为:抗生素类药货源充沛价见软;解热镇痛类药需求稳定价难升;磺胺类药需求平稳价趋升;维生素类药稳中见软竞销烈;激素类药货裕价跌市疲滞;心血管类药成交零星价平稳;消化系统类用药需求平平市不畅。本文就市况作一综合分析。 一、会议概况 据会议有关人士介绍,当前我国医药市场又出现了一些新特点。 特点之一,医药工业生产保持高速增长,但产值越增越高,效益越降越低。据统计,上半年全国医药工业产值比上 In the fall of 1996, the National Pharmaceutical Exchange Conference ended on August 28 in Shenyang. Looking at the exchange market, the general impression given to the participants was that the overall supply was abundant, supply was greater than demand; prices were steadily declining, transactions were cautious; funds were still tight and competition was fierce. In terms of specific categories, its market conditions can be summarized as: the availability of antibiotics and the availability of goods at a premium price; the stable demand for antipyretic and analgesic drugs is difficult to rise; the steady price of sulfonamides is increasing; the vitamins are stable and soft Competitive sales; hormonal drugs and drug prices fell due to market sluggishness; cardiovascular drug transactions had a stable and stable price; digestive system demand for drugs in Pingping City was sluggish. This article makes a comprehensive analysis of market conditions. I. Overview of the meeting According to the relevant personages of the meeting, the current Chinese pharmaceutical market has emerged some new features. One of the characteristics is that the pharmaceutical industry maintains rapid growth, but the higher and the higher the output value, the lower and lower the benefit. According to statistics, the output value of the national pharmaceutical industry in the first half of the year
春天如期而至。 春的使者带给马钢的,却是惊人的窘迫:今年一、二月份,马钢生产滑坡,管理滑坡,效益滑坡,亏损达3000万元。 亏损,惊动了省部领导。冶金部部长刘淇、安徽省省长
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