魅力汉字 “美丽”考题——2015年中考“汉字”考查新题型解读

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汉字,是世界上最美丽且充满生命力的文字。正因为如此,汉字考查是历年中考语文的必考考点之一。翻开2015年全国各地中考语文试卷,汉字考查题在命题形式和考查能力上较以往都有所突破,出现了一些“美丽”考题。现列举几例,以帮助同学们复习备考时拓宽思路。 Chinese characters are the most beautiful and vibrant words in the world. Because of this, Chinese test is one of the necessary test centers for Chinese test in previous years. Opened the 2015 national papers in the examination papers throughout the country, exam questions in the form and ability to test than in the past have made a breakthrough, there have been some “beautiful ” test questions. Here are a few examples to help students review their exams to broaden their thinking.
各位来宾,各位同志: 正当全国上下学习贯彻党的六中全会精神的时候,中国扶贫基金会和新华社半月谈杂志社组织评选出了全国十大“扶贫状元”,并在这里举行颁奖会。我首先向新
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