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通过在55m~3高炉上对包钢生产高炉实用的各种炉料组成进行冶炼对比试验和对炉内软熔带以上气-固相的系统取样,研究了包头白云鄂博铁矿易于结瘤的原因和防止结瘤的措施。冶炼试验以包头原矿和各种人造富矿为主,以不含钾、钠、氟的太钢烧结矿作对比。文中叙述了各种配料的冶炼特性和指标。文中重点从钾、钠、氟的循环富集、矿石的软熔特性和初渣性质、矿石的粉化与料柱透气性、温度场及软熔带分布、炉渣排碱能力与结瘤的关系等方面分析了包头矿易于结瘤的原因,并初步找到了从原料到操作防止结瘤的有效措施。文章认为由于包头矿含氟、钾、钠的特殊性,构成了冶炼的艰巨性,因此冶炼包头矿必须对原料质量、冶炼操作制度提出更严格的要求。在55m~3高炉试验的同时,包钢生产高炉(1513m~3、1800m~3)也取得大致相同的经验和较好的指标,炉瘤得到有效的控制。文中指出降低矿石中钾、钠、氟含量,稳定入炉原料成分和组成,减少入炉粉末,采用高氧化镁高碱度烧结矿(在烧结矿碱性物中适当提高MgO含量),改善球团矿的质量,严洛掌握炉况调剂技术控制炉况稳定,坚持酸渣操作保证炉渣排碱,采用炉外脱硫改善生铁质量,控制适当的边沿气流,和调整冷却强度等等,都是防止结瘤的有效措施。 By comparing the practical metallurgical properties of various furnace charge in the blast furnace of Baotou Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., and systematically sampling the gas-solid phase above the soft melting zone in the 55m ~ 3 blast furnace, the reasons for the easy nodulation of the Baiyunebo Iron Mine in Baotou And prevent nodulation measures. Smelting test to Baotou ore and a variety of man-made rich ore-based, non-potassium, sodium, fluorine TISCO sinter for comparison. The article describes the various ingredients of the smelting characteristics and indicators. The paper focuses on the cycle enrichment of potassium, sodium and fluorine, the characteristics of soft melting and initial slag, the pulverization of ore and the permeability of column, the distribution of temperature field and reflow zone, the relationship between slag discharge ability and nodulation And other aspects of the analysis of the causes of easy to knot Baotou mine, and initially found from the raw materials to prevent nodulation effective measures. The article holds that due to the particularity of fluorine, potassium and sodium in Baotou Mine, the arduousness of smelting constitutes the arduous task of smelting Baotou Mine, which has to impose more stringent requirements on the quality of raw materials and smelting operation system. At the same time of 55m ~ 3 blast furnace tests, the blast furnace (1513m ~ 3, 1800m ~ 3) also gained roughly the same experience and good indicators, and the furnace soot was effectively controlled. The article points out that the content of potassium, sodium and fluorine in the ore should be reduced, the composition and composition of the raw materials should be stabilized, the input powder should be reduced, the high basicity sinter with high magnesia should be used (MgO content should be increased properly in the alkaline of sinter) The quality of the mines and strict control of the furnace furnace slag conditioning technology to control the stability of furnace control, acid slag operation to ensure that the residue of alkali, the use of furnace desulfurization to improve the quality of pig iron, control the appropriate edge of the air flow, and adjust the cooling strength, etc., are to prevent Nodules effective measures.