发挥驻地科技优势 提高科技练兵质量

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近年来,我团认真贯彻军委江主席关于科技强军的战略思想,以“打得赢”、“不变质”为目标,以预备役部队专业技术分队建设为重点,充分开发利用地方科技优势,大力开展科技练兵,全团官兵的军政素质显著提高,战斗力明显增强。先后被省军区评为“科技练兵先进单位”、“军事训练先进单位”和“演习先进单位”。发挥地方人才优势,努力夯实科技练兵的基础。搞好科技练兵关键是人才。为此,我们针对预备役部队“亦兵亦民”、“寓兵于民”的特点,狠抓预任官兵选配,广纳贤才,优化队伍,充分发挥地方科技人才的优势,不断调整编组范围、 In recent years, our regiment has conscientiously implemented Chairman Jiang’s strategic thinking on strengthening the army with science and technology, aiming at “win win” and “non-deterioration” and focus on the construction of specialized technical contingents in the reserve force, and make full use of the place Scientific and technological advantages and vigorously carry out military training with science and technology. The quality of the military and government of the officers and soldiers of the entire regiment has been remarkably enhanced, and the combat effectiveness has been markedly enhanced. Has been the provincial military region as “advanced unit of science and technology training”, “advanced unit of military training ” and “advanced unit of exercise ”. Give full play to the advantages of local talents and make efforts to consolidate the basis of military training with science and technology. The key to improving science and technology training is talent. To this end, we have focused on the characteristics of reserve forces, “soldiers are also civilians,” and “people are soldiers and soldiers.” We should pay close attention to the matching of pre-service officers, recruiting qualified personnel, optimizing the ranks and giving full play to the advantages of local scientific and technological personnel , Continue to adjust the grouping range,
当前,全军都在实施人才战略工程,军分区系统如何加快人武人才培养,进一步提高干部队伍整体素质,笔者认为应做到以下几点: 提高思想认识,增强培养人才的紧迫感和责任感。当前
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安妮·莫罗·林德伯格(Anne Morrow Lindbergh,1906~2001),美国20世纪轰动一时的女飞行员和作家,1906年6月22日生于新泽西州恩格尔伍德(Englewood,New Jersey)。父亲是银行家