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   Ever since anyone could remember, Hank was fas-cinated with watches, pocket watches of any kind. When he was a young boy, he received one of them as a present. He proceeded1 to astonish the family by taking it apart and then, putting it back together, and it ran perfectly. Shortly thereafter, he began repairing his friends’ watches. Dad said that Hank should charge for the ser-vice but the youngster explained it was just a labor of love2, he enjoyed it so much. In his 10s, Hank could dis-assemble3 and reassemble a watch,(listen to this)... blindfolded4. Well, by then it was clear to everybody that young Hank was headed for a career as a watchmaker.
   At 17, he took a job at the Magill Jewelery Store. The establishment had recently procured5 a sizeable in-ventory6 of watches from another store. Hank’s first pro-ject would be to clean and check them. The job had one condition — Hank must remain in the back room, out of the customer’s view, for although his work was excellent, his apparent youth was potentially confidence shaking. But Hank didn’t mind the back room, as long as he could tinker7 with his beloved time pieces. After three years in the business, Hank had built up quite a reputation as a watch repairer, and quite a personal collection of watches, more than 300 of them.
   And then, one day, he got an idea. In Hank’s era, the greatest part of a watch’s cost was that it had to be assembled by hand. There was no machinery accu-rate or delicate8 enough to put them together. But Hank became convinced that it was possible to mass produce watches, thereby drastically9 reduc-ing the price. And from the moment that brainstorm struck, Hank devoted all of his spare time to plan-ning mass production of watches. He made designs for the machinery, and for the dies10 for the stamp-ings11. He even cut some of the dies so that they would be ready for his future factory. He calculated the costs of production. He deduced12 that he could make a serviceable13 watch... for 30 cents. He got another young jeweler interested in the project and the two plotted14 various means of raising the nec-essary capital to go into the business of mass-pro-ducing watches.
   But suddenly, on the verge of embarking15 up-on16 this revolutionary enterprise, Hank got cold feet. Even if he could make quality timepieces and the price is accessible to the American working man, a watch was not an outright17 necessity. And at 30 cents a piece, the way Hank figured, he’d have to manufacture and sell more than half a million watches to show a decent18 profit. So, Hank aban-doned the idea of mass-producing watches. In fact, he abandoned watch-making and watch-repairing altogether. But because he did, an American indus-trial empire was born.
   The world has forgotten Hank the watchmaker. The world never even heard of Hank, the watchmak-er, and the dreamer of timepiece that anybody could afford. But because he applied the same principle to another kind of machinery, because his studies had taught him much about mass production, the auto-mobile was promoted from unattainable19 extrava-gance20 to everyday transportation. You know Hank, the Detroit watchmaker, as Henry Ford. Only now, you know the rest of the story.

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