
来源 :小天使·语数英初一版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouyu2
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  1. Alice has _______(金色的)hair.
  2. Jackie Chan has a ____(黑色的)box.
  3. Do you remember the ______(摇滚)singer with funny glasses?
  4. People don't like his new _____(形象).
  5. He's _______(中等的)height.
  二、 选择填空。(15分)
  1. One of the girls ___ a white T-shirt now.
  A. wears B. is wearing
  C. wearing D. to wear
  2. Can you help ________ wash my bike?
  A. I B. me C. my D. he
  3. Please remember _______ the book back.
  A. taking B. to take
  C. bringing D. to bring
  4. Hi, Li Ping, where are ______ boys?
  A. other B. others
  C. the othersD. the other
  5. -I can't find my raincoat.
   -Let me ______ you.
  A. help B. get C. take D. give
  6. -Is this Mike's book?
  -Yes. I'll(我将)give ____ back to ____.
  A. it, him B. its, him
  C. him, it D. it, he
  7. There is a door _____ the wall.
  A. in B. on C. at D. near
  8. Peter is __ our school football team. He's our captain.
  A. likeB. help C. on D. for
  9. I can get a nice sweater ____ you.
  A. to B. for C. of D. with
  10. We are having a math lesson now, you must stop ____ music.
  A. listen B. to listen
  C. listening to D. for listening
  11. -Are there any students in the classroom?
   -No. __________ there.
  A. Nobody is B. Someone is
  C. Nobody isn't D. Someone isn't
  12. The girl ___ sunglasses is my friend Ann.
  A. wear B. is wearing
  C. put on D. with
  13. Is this elephant ____ China or ___ India?
  A. from, to B. from, from
  C. to, to D. at, in
  14. -Joe _____ her mother.
  -Yes. She has curly hair, too.
  A. looks at B. looks like
  C. looks for D. looks after
  15. ______ she medium height and _____she wear glasses?
  A. Has, is B. Is, has
  C. Is, does D. Has, does
  Mark Twain, a famous American writer, was very clever. And he _1_ played jokes on others.
  One day Mark Twain met a rich man. The rich man said to him, "I _2_ you were very clever and _3_ was difficult for you." Mark Twain answered with a smile, "Oh, I'm not clever, but you are too __4_."The rich man got very _5_. Make Twain said,"Please don't be angry, sir. Now let me _6_ you a very simple question: If you have a group of birds, I give you _7_ group.Then, how many groups of birds do you have?"
   "That is really _8_ question in the word. One plus on is two. _9_ knows that I have two groups of birds now,of course," the rich man answered. Mark Twain lauguhed and said, "You are quite _10_, sir. Two groups of birds put together is still one group. That's the easiest question in the word, isn't it?"
  1. A.alwaysB.often
  2. A.heardB.saw
   C.saidD.listened to
  3. A.anythingB.nothing
  4. A.clever B.sillyC.easy D.friendly
  5. A.happy B.shy C.angryD.sad
  6. A.ask B.check C.tellD.say
  7. A.other B.another C.others D.the other
  8. A.easyB.easiest
   C.the easierD.the easiest
  9. A.SomeoneB.Nobody
  You speak, write a letter, make a telephone call. Your words carry a message. People communicate with words.
  Do you think you can communicate without words? A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad.
  When you raise your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You shake your head, and people know you are saying "No". You nod and people know you are saying "Yes".
  Other things can also carry messages. For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take. A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library. Signs on doors tell you where to go in or out. Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time?
  People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things.
  Books are written to tell you about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas. Books, magazines, TV, radios and films all help us to communicate with each other. They all help us to know what is going on in the world and what
  other people are thinking about.
   Notes: communicate 交流 sign 招牌,标志
  1. Can we communicate with each other without words?
  A. Yes, sometimes we can.
  B. No, we can't.
  C. No. It's impossible.
  D. Yes, we always do so.
  2. When we see somebody smile, then, he must be feeling ____.
  A. angryB. joyful C. surprised D. sad
  3. We can learn news from ____.
  A. newspapers B. radio C. TVD. A,B和C
  4. A sign at the bus stop tells you ____.
  A. how many buses there are
  B. what kind of bus it is
  C. where the bus comes and goes
  D. how much money you'll pay for the ticket
  5. What do you think is the quickest way to communicate with your friend in another city?
  A. Writing a letter.
  B. Making a telephone.
  C. Drawing a picture.
  D. Asking someone else to take a message.
  Thousands of years ago. There was a very clever king with the name of Solomon. There are many stories about him.
  Here is one of them which shows how clever he was.
  Once there were two women. They lived in the same house, and each had a baby. One night, one of the babies died, and its mother took the other woman's child, and put it in her own bed instead. The next morning they had a quarrel. "No, this is my child, the dead one is yours, " said the other. Each one wanted the living baby, but no one could tell whom it belonged to. So they went to see King Solomon. When King Solomon heard their story, he said, "Bring me a knife, cut the child in two, and give each woman one half." "That's very fair, oh, bright King!" said the dead baby's mother. "Give her my child, let it be hers, but don't kill the child. Oh, King!" cried the other woman in tears. Then King Solomon pointed to the woman in tears and said, "Give the child to her, for she is its mother. "
  根据短文内容, 判断正(T)误(F)。
  6. The two women in the same house each had a child.
  7. One night the two babies died.
  8. The two women quarrelled because Solomon killed their babies.
  9. Solomon came to see the mothers after their babies died.
  10. King Solomon cut the living child in two and gave each woman one half.
  1. Peter lives _____ 35, Bridge Street.
  2. There are some people talking ____ the park.
  3. It's time _____ class.
  4. It's time ____ us to go to the bank.
  5. He's a Chinese boy __ short, straight hair.
  六、用little, a little, a bit填空。(5分)
  1. He knows _____ of French.
  2. It is __ warm today. Let's go out for a walk.
  3. The _____ boy is cute.
  4. -Can you give me some ink(墨水)?
   -Sorry, I have __________ in my pen.
  5. How happy I am! Now I can speak _____ English.
  提示:1. 介绍田甜的年龄、外貌、性格以及爱好。
  2.田甜将去英国George Spencer School 学习一年,并将于8月1日下午4点到达伦敦希斯罗机场(Heathrow Airport)。
  注意: 1. 词数70左右。
  2. 信的开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数。
  Dear Rita,
  How is everything going? I'd like to introduce my best friend, Tian Tian, to you. _______________________________________________________________
  Will you please be kind enough to meet her at the airport? Many thanks.
  Best wishes.
   Li Hua
在美国一个市场里,有个中国妇人的摊位生意特别好,引起其他摊贩的嫉妒,大家常有意无意地把垃圾扫到她的店门口。  这个中国妇人只是宽厚地笑笑,不予计较,反而把垃圾都清扫到自己的角落。旁边卖菜的墨西哥妇人观察了她好几天,忍不住问道:“大家都把垃圾扫到你这里来,你为什么不生气?”  中国妇人笑着说:“在我们国家,过年的时候,都会把垃圾往家里扫,垃圾越多就代表会赚很多的钱。现在每天都有人送钱到我这里,我怎么
王明突然感到生活有了盼头,自从父亲告诉他一个消息。  那当然是一个好消息——“你舅舅请你们车间的头头儿们吃了一顿大餐,贾主任许诺以后有机会就提拔你。”  王明大专毕业后进了这家厂子,被分配到现在的岗位上。  这是一种只要有力气就可以干好的活儿,王明缺的偏偏就是力气。  王明后悔,早知现在,当初何必绞尽脑汁地追求分数?结果以累垮身体为代价换来的大专文凭不过是废纸一张。  工友们的学历虽然没王明高,但
专题解读:  俗话说:千人百姓万脾气。动物也一样,各有各的特点,就走同一种动物,也会有不同的特点。比如,同样是猫,有的调皮,有的温顺,有的懒情。要让自己喜欢的小动物活灵活观地呈现在笔下,写之前,应该先仔细观察一番,了解它们的外形特点和生活习性。可以说生动的介绍描写,来源于对动物的细致观察和思考。    写作时应注意以下几点。  (1)先进行整体描写。无论哪一种动物出现在人们眼前,人们首先会对它的外
现在确实有不少学生喜欢读玄幻,而且往往是一种“地下阅读”或者网络阅读,令教师也感到无力和困惑。据了解,一些中小学生不仅读玄幻,还经常动手写“玄幻”,有的学生甚至写了十几万字。  现在所谓‘玄幻文学’所呈现的实际上就是一个高度电子游戏机化的技术世界,我们可以看到绚烂斑驳的色彩、匪夷所思的魔术、变化多端的玄机,但是唯独体验不到触动读者心灵的人文精神。玄幻小说“装神弄鬼”“价值混乱”,小说人物无论正反无
原文 清脆的破裂声 李争平    暑假的一个傍晚,阵阵凉风拂过,令人顿感惬意。我出去在一片不大的空地上散步,看见一个10岁左右的小男孩正用一只做得很粗糙的弹弓打一只放在地上离他有七八米远的玻璃瓶,一位妇女在他旁边。  那孩子的弹法实在差,竟把弹丸打偏一米多,而且忽高忽低。那位妇女坐在草地上,从一堆石子中捡起一粒,轻轻递到那孩子手中,安详地微笑着。那孩子把石子放在皮套里,打出去,然后再接过一颗。从那
孔子一辈子东奔西跑,政治幻想彻底破灭之后,便神情黯然地回到故乡。这  时候,他已经变成了68岁的老人。他想:争不动、跑不动了,来日无多,不如开门办学吧。泗水、洙水是两条古河,淙淙流水环城而过,孔子创办的私塾泗洙书院就坐落存曲阜。  泗洙书院的学生是“大杂烩”,什么人都有。颜回“贫居陋巷,箪食瓢饮”,是个穷苦人;子路先后做过两大贵族的家臣;子贡则在曹、鲁之间做生意,而且富至千金,还当过鲁、卫的行政官
(听力 30分 略)  一、单项选择。(15分)  1. Here _______ two letters _______ you.   A. are; to B. is; for  C. is; toD. are; for  2. -What time does she get up?   -She ___________ up at 6:10 am.  A. is getting B. ge
我的名字叫乌鸦,乌纲,鸦科。我们鸦家族,在地球上与人类相处了很久很久。近百年来,人类科学技术虽然有了很大发展,但是人们还没有真正认识我们。不被人们所理解,这是多么遗憾的事情呀!  我们鸦家族,几乎分布全球,五洲四海都有我们的亲戚。除了我大嘴乌鸦外,还有秃鼻乌鸦、白颈鸦、寒鸦、渡鸦,以及全身羽毛雪白的“白乌鸦”哩!你们人类偏爱的喜鹊和红嘴蓝鹊也是我们的“远房亲戚”,所不同的仅是他们穿得漂亮点,或者懂
曹雪芹    清朝乾隆年间,送礼之风一度盛行。有一次,京城有个副都统赫老爷50大寿,下帖摊派送礼。当时的小说大家、《红楼梦》的作者曹雪芹先生也去了,并且还送去了两大坛子酒和一副对联。  听说曹雪芹也来送礼了,人们不觉大吃一惊,因为大家都知道,曹雪芹是从不趋炎附势,给达官贵人送礼的。都统赫老爷看见曹雪芹来了,更是喜出望外,顿时觉得自己身价提高了不少,可以在客人们面前炫耀一下自己了。  酒席一开始,都
这三篇文章写的都是发生在病房里的故事,每一个故事都令人感动,《让我结实地靠着你》通过作者在病房里的见闻和感想,写出了父亲对自己的疼爱,也表达出作者对父亲的感恩之心,《掌心娃娃》主要表现的是一个患有恶性脑瘟的约五六岁的小男孩对病友的关爱,表现其纯朴、善良、可爱、乐观:《病房里的眼泪》写的是一位骨折的小女孩非常疼痛,但为不影响别人,只流泪而不哭出声来,表现其坚强的意志和优良的品行。    让我结实地靠