
来源 :亚热带水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thirdpine98
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流域的概念在泰国沿用已久。之所以这么普及,是由于河流自上游地区流往下游地区这一概念容易被人理解接受。与小流域相关的问题主要包括以下几个方面:水资源利用及其有效性,环境退化问题等。针对现在的工作举几个例子。上下游冲突是个全球性的问题,其中水资源利用是个主要问题,还包括因为杀虫剂和其他废弃物造成的环境污染问题等。滥用土地,特别是在坡地上的过度开发,可能会导致洪灾和山崩。在某些矿区,某些重金属,诸如铅等,对人体健康和居民生活产生不良影响。有些情况无法解决,而人们却无法从其他地区获得帮助。令人高兴的是,在拯救河流方面已经出现了很好的合作范例,如Tha Chin地区的做法,就可以作为其他类似个案的范例。即使只有部分河流由于当地或周边地区的人为活动而造成污染,这些污染物最终也会流入大海。因此为环境法庭各案处理而成立环境争议仲裁中心以及绿席,被视为泰国环境界一个良好的进步。 The concept of catchment has long been used in Thailand. The reason why such popularity is so widespread is that the concept of rivers flowing from the upper reaches to the lower reaches is easy to understand and accept. The problems related to small watershed mainly include the following aspects: utilization of water resources and their effectiveness, environmental degradation and so on. A few examples for the current job. Conflict between upstream and downstream is a global issue. Water use is a major problem and environmental pollution caused by pesticides and other wastes is also a problem. Abuse of land, especially over-exploitation on the slopes, can lead to floods and landslides. In some mines, some heavy metals, such as lead, have a negative impact on human health and residential life. There are situations that can not be solved and people can not get help from other areas. Happily, there have been good examples of cooperation in saving the rivers, such as the practice in Tha Chin, as an example of other similar cases. Even if only part of the river is polluted by human activities in the area or the surrounding area, these pollutants eventually flow into the sea. Therefore, setting up environmental dispute arbitration centers and green seats for each case of the Environmental Court is regarded as a good progress for the Thai environmental community.
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摘 要:我们祖先创造了灿烂辉煌的诗歌文明,然而现在诗歌正日益淡出我们的生活。如何培养孩子对诗歌的兴趣,让孩子懂得欣赏进而尝试创作诗歌,把祖先这一文化瑰宝传承下去,并发扬光大?我认为把诗歌和语文教学结合起来,应是有效途径。  关键词:诗歌;语文教学;兴趣;创作  中图分类号:G623.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2015)19-090-1  一、分行变形,激发学生兴趣  诗歌最
摘要 《大卫·科波菲尔》是英国著名小说家狄更斯的经典之作,这部作品也是狄更斯本人最为满意的一部长篇小说。这部作品的成功不仅得益于它独特的思想价值,更是由于狄更斯别具一格的语言风格以及幽默风趣的艺术特色,充分体现了狄更斯高深的文学造诣与思想修养。后世对狄更斯的研究成为了文学界的一大主题,目前他的作品影响力已扩散到世界各地。本文将从语言学角度对《大卫·科波菲尔》的幽默艺术进行分析,深入发掘狄更斯作品的
1.在能力要求上,在“思维能力”中删去了“对原子、分子等粒子的微观结构有一定的空间想象能力”。这一能力要求在观察能力中已有适当的体现。 1. In terms of ability requ
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