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湖北武汉,大大小小的湖泊星罗棋布。在景色宜人,风光秀丽的沙湖之畔,有一座花园式的学校:湖北省少先队工作示范校——湖北大学附属小学。几年来,学校主动适应教育改革的新形势,以江总书记“三个代表”为指导思想,始终把少年儿童的思想道德教育放在首位,走出了一条适合本校的少先队思想道德教育之路。新学期伊始,为贯彻落实全国少工委“加强少先队思想道德教育”的要求,该校的辅导员们围绕这一话题,进行了认真思考总结。 Wuhan, Hubei, large and small lakes dotted. In the pleasant scenery, the beautiful Shahu Lake, there is a garden-style schools: Young Pioneers work model school in Hubei Province - Hubei University Affiliated Primary School. Over the past few years, the school has taken the initiative to adapt to the new situation of educational reform. Taking General Secretary Jiang’s “three represents” as its guiding ideology, the school has always placed the education of children’s ideology and morality first and has taken the road of ideological and moral education suitable for the Young Pioneers of our school. At the beginning of the new semester, in order to implement the requirement of “strengthening the education and ideological and moral education of the Young Pioneers” of the National Youth Work Committee, the counselors at the school made serious consideration and summary on this topic.
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