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  The Ice Age really had a 1)profound effect on this region of Southeast Alaska. All the great islands run north and south. All the channels, largely, are running north and south. Glacier Bay, only 200 years ago, had 4,000 feet of ice, and today there’s just 2)remnant glaciers.
  What I love is just the richness of this environment that we’re traveling through. Not only do you have the 3)spectacular4)glaciated mountains, the really 5)intact forests, but you got all the animals that thrive in these wild waters.
  Wow, there’s really a lot of activity here. We’re in the midst of a huge group of 6)humpback whales. That’s so beautiful right now with the calm water, the even light, the way these 7)spouts just really hang in the air. It almost looks like a watercolor painting. That’s spectacular! Just to have that dark green body of water, the way the spray is really distinguished from the dark background, and then that graceful wave: these huge animals just enter the water.
  Scientist: These whales winter in Hawaii. And they don’t feed there. That’s where they go to breed. That’s where they go to have 8)calves. And then they come back here to feed, to 9)forage in these rich waters.
  Host:What’s the status of the humpback whale? Are they 10)endangered?
  Scientist: Well, they’re still classified as an endangered animal, and under the 11)Endangered Species Act, but the populations here are definitely increasing. Humpback whales are coming back in the North Pacific.
  It’s an animal that you only get glimpses of part of their body, until they actually 12)breach.
  Scientist: They usually breach when they come back to the surface and usually, when they get into the rhythm, they come to the surface three or four times. But that first time they come back up after sounding or diving, they come up with such force that they can launch their bodies right out of the water.
  This is a great place. There’s so much action right here. The water is very turbulent and it mixes up the fish, the 13)herring, the 14)krill. Consequently we’ve got 15)cormorants, 16)gulls, eagles, sea lions, all 17)vying for the same food.
  Really great for the heart and for the mind to see an environment that is largely intact. The forests are all the way from the top of the ridges, all the way to the waterline. No clear cuts. No roads. No buildings along the shore.
  As we entered Glacier Bay, it’s really interesting to see how the glaciers have carved and shaped the land. Not only the 18)fiords, but many of the islands are resistant columns of rock that really rise out of the ocean bottom. As we head further up the bay towards the glaciers, the 19)terrain gets rockier and the water becomes much colder. The glaciers that feed fresh water into Glacier Bay are retreating at an amazing rate. It’s a natural process, but it’s being accelerated by global warming.
  I love this environment. It’s just like 20)kayaking through a huge watercolor painting to me. It’s hard to 21)fathom that this entire fiord was carved out by huge glaciers. The snow has been locked up in this ice for hundreds of years, and now it’s about to 22)calve into this fiord, melt, and once again join the water cycle. It’s really interesting, also, to see how the oldest ice is the clearest ice and it’s on the bottom layer of the glacier. And it’s really compressed hard and clear. Almost like the way diamonds are formed. Look at that wall over here, that looks just like a wall of jade. It’s so beautiful. The ice that’s got locked up in this glacier may have fallen in the form of snow hundreds of years ago. And now, at the 23)terminus, they’re calving off and ultimately melting out. And it’s 24)overwhelming when you think of the scale of the human in relationship to a wall of ice, maybe three or four hundred feet high.
  The glaciers are still active today, and it’s among the most exciting things that I’ve ever seen anywhere on Earth. To see a glacier calve into these deep blue waters is a really thrilling sight. It’s like explosions going off in front of you. It’s both frightening, but also extremely 25)intriguing and exciting to see.



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