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盛夏,驱车前往首都新兴的卫星城——大兴县。沿途,两旁的树木柳绿荫浓,田野里水稻郁郁葱葱,犹如绿色的地毯铺向天边。鸟啾蝉鸣,片片瓜地、果林散发着诱人的香味,沁人心脾,简直目迷心醉。约半个小时,即到达县委所在地黄村。这里不但是未来的纺织城,也是我国示范性新能源村的所在地。我国第一个新能源村之所以建在大兴,绝非偶然。俗话说“看是寻常最奇崛,成似容易最艰辛”。解放后,大兴县40余万劳动人民在党和毛主席领导下,农业连年丰收,生活蒸蒸日上。彻底消除了旧社会“春熬硝,夏打草,秋天治鱼,冬天跑”的悲惨生活。由于生活水平的不断提高,洗澡的人次猛增。大兴方圆百里,只县城一座容纳不足百人的小浴池,远远无法满足群众的需要。社员要想洗一次澡,得自己带上干粮,往返乘车数十余里,车费比浴费还贵,而且还要搭上一 In the summer, drove to the emerging satellite city of Daxing County. Along the way, the trees on both sides are densely shaded and the fields are full of lush green rice, like a green carpet covering the horizon. Birds roar, slices of melons, fruit trees exude a tempting scent, refreshing, simply intoxicated. About half an hour, that is, arrived at Huangcun where the county seat. This is not only the future textile city, but also the location of China’s exemplary new energy village. It is no accident that the first new energy village in China was built in Daxing. As the saying goes, “Seeing is the strangest and most bizarre, and it seems that it is easy to be the most difficult.” After the liberation, more than 400,000 working people in Daxing County, under the leadership of the Party and Chairman Mao, enjoyed a bumper harvest year after year, and their lives were booming. Completely eliminated the tragic life of the old society, “spring flooding, summer fighting, autumn fishing, and winter running.” As a result of the continuous improvement of living standards, the number of baths soared. Daxing is a radius of 100 miles. Only a small public bath in the county seat for less than 100 people is far from meeting the needs of the masses. If members want to take a bath, they have to bring their own food. They have to travel for more than ten years and they have to pay more than the bath fare. They must also take a ride.
20年前的中考数学满分是120分,我以118分的成绩获得全县第一名。老师让我谈谈成功经验时,我拿出了16本错题集。我的错题集让 Twenty years ago, the score of the mathemati
(一)    1937年暑假,我刚在浙江嘉兴小学读完初小准备升入高小时;震惊中外的“七·七”事变发生了。这个事变将对国家对家庭以及对我自己会产生多大的影响,当时不到十岁的我,蒙昧无知。只是看到时任浙江嘉兴专区专员兼县长的父亲比平时更忙碌,经常开会到深夜,街上不断出现“打倒日本帝国主义!”的标语和拿着各色小旗的游行队伍,到处贴着抵制日货的宣传画。  事变后不久,父亲即接到省府调令,着免去嘉兴专员、县
韦杰,东兰县人,壮族,1914年生。他自1929年百色起义参加红七军后毕生从戎,参加过43个战役,大小战斗525次, 曾5次负伤,是我军的一员骁将。土地革命战争时期,韦杰从战士迭次晋
根据几年来的测试实践,总结拟定了《用压力试验机标定拉伸机或千斤顶的检定方法》。 Based on the test practice over the past few years, the “Test method for calibra
请先看下列两道高考题: 1 .It’s the sort of work that a high level of conentration.(2007山东) A .calls for B.makes up.C.lies in D.stands for 解析:A。由主语和宾语