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要深化对计划与市场问题的研究,必须对计划与市场的历史演变过程进行全面细致的考证,并突出探明现代商品经济中调节方式的根本特征,在此基础上,才能对社会主义计划与市场的配置和操作做出准确的对策抉择。一、社会经济宏观调控方式的历史转换现代经济的运行机制及其轨迹表明,不论对西方发达的资本主义还是对社会主义来说,宏观调控都是经济控制的基本形式。现代经济宏观调控的形式主要有两种:一种是经济指标,包括国民经济近期、中期、长期的发展规划、经济发展的产值指标、利润指标、实物指标、收入指标、消费指标等。这些指标可以通过宏观管理体制分解到各个生产部门、各个行业以及各个企业,作为生产发展的参数指标和约束指标。经济指标是相对性的定量控制指标,在一定时期内它对社会各经济单位的控制施以静态性的经济约束。另一种是经济参数, In order to deepen the study on planning and market issues, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive and meticulous examination of the historical evolution of planning and markets and to highlight the fundamental characteristics of the methods of regulation in modern commodity economy. Only on this basis can we study the relationship between the socialist plan and Market configuration and operation to make the right decision. I. Historical Transformation of Macroeconomic Regulation and Control of Society and Economy The operation mechanism and its trajectory of modern economy show that macro-control is the basic form of economic control for developed western capitalism and for socialism. There are two main forms of macroeconomic regulation and control in the modern economy. One is economic indicators, including the recent, medium-term and long-term development plans of the national economy, the output value, profit target, real target, income target and consumption target of economic development. These indicators can be decomposed into various production departments, various industries and various enterprises through the macro-management system as parameter indicators and constraint indicators for the development of production. Economic indicators are indicators of quantitative control of relativity. In a certain period, it imposes static economic constraints on the control of all economic units in the society. The other is economic parameters,
AIM:Acute hepatitis may seldom have a fulminant course.In the treatment of this medical emergency,potential liversupport measure must provide immediate and suf
<正> 建立社会主义市场经济体制,客观上要求人们转变观念,重新审视几十年来已习惯了的诸多“公理”性命题。社会经济关系说到底是一种经济利益关系。长期以来,在政府与企业的经济利益关系的认识上形成了一系列“定势”,其中不乏传统体制的产物,以此来指导改革实践,必然使政策制定和行为选择步入“误区”。80年代发生的种种磨擦、矛盾和反复,深刻表明了,深化改革必须解决造成“误区”的深层关系。为此,有必要重审政府与企业的利益关系中的若干“定势”。
帆船在海里靠风航行。我喜欢乘风破浪的帆船,想自己动手做一艘漂亮的小帆船!  我在家里找出了一些硬纸板、胶水、五彩的布、竹签、彩色卡纸、颜料及水彩笔。  我用硬纸板剪成一个大正方形做大海,又剪了一个椭圆形的卡纸做帆船,还剪了许多大大小小的正方形和长方形。我先用大卡纸做好帆船的主体,接着用四个小正方形的纸片拼成一个温馨的船上小屋,再用胶水小心翼翼地粘在船上。  我剪出几个纸片小人,画出小朋友的样子。他
AIM:To construct a recombinant prokaryotic expressionvector inserted with Helicobacter pylori vacA gene andidentify the immunity of the expressed recombinant p
“语文故事”比赛时,我表演的是绕口令《十八愁》。当时,我的心里十分紧张。走下了演讲台,我一个劲地问妈妈:“我表演得好不好?”“好,非常好!”媽妈边走边回答。  第二天,组委会通知我进入复赛。听到这个消息,我高兴得蹦起来。妈妈特地为我准备了一件天蓝色的长袍,还配了一顶黑色的帽子。这一回,我没那么紧张了,大方地走上舞台。我的服饰吸引了许多人好奇的目光。  “云对雨、雪对风,晚照对晴空……”我大声朗读《