Hanshi Day 寒食节

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   In the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Xian was the monarch of the State of Jin. His eldest son, Shen Sheng was the crown prince. The King doted (宠爱) on his concubine (妃子) Li very much. She wanted to make her own son the crown prince. So she killed Shen Sheng by scheme (计划). Soon afterwards, she wanted to persecute (迫害) Chong’er, the little brother of Shen Sheng. As soon as Chong’er heard about this, he fled abroad together with his henchmen (亲信).
   On the way of exile (流亡), Chong’er and his henchmen went through all kinds of hardships and difficulties. One day they came to an uninhabited (荒无人烟的) place where Chong’er, worn out and hungry, suddenly, fell down on the ground.
   His henchmen searched for a long time but could find nothing to eat. Seeing this, Jie Zitui, one of the henchmen, cut a piece of flesh off his thigh (大腿). He cooked a bowl of soup with his flesh and held it to Chong’er.
   Chong’er drank the soup and then recovered gradually. When he asked where they got the flesh, the other henchmen looked at Jie Zitui and told Chong’er everything with tears. Chong’er was so moved.
   Nineteen years later, Chong’er finally became the King of Jin State who was named Jin Wengong. After that, Jin Wengong conferred (授予) titles and awards to the henchmen who had followed him in exile, but only forgot Jie Zitui. Quite a few people felt angry at the injustice done to Jie Zitui.
   When Jin Wengong heard of that, he felt very ashamed. Bringing his men, he made a personal call to Jie’s house to invite him, but only to find the door was locked. Some neighbors said that Jie was not willing to be an official and had gone to the Mianshan Mountain with his mother.
   The Mianshan Mountain was very high with a dangerous and difficult mountain pass. And it was by no means easy to look for Jie and his mother. Someone offered a piece of advice of setting a fire to three sides of the mountain. And Jie would come out himself. Jin Wengong agreed.
   The fire burned all over the Mianshan Mountain, yet not a shadow of Jie was found. When the fire went out, however, people found Jie dead sitting under an old willow tree with his mother. Seeing this Jin Wengong felt unbearably painful.
   When putting Jie’s dead body into the coffin, people found in a hole of the tree trunk a letter written by Jie in his own blood. It read, “I cut off my own flesh to dedicate to you only to express my devotion. And I only wish my king will always be clear and bright. If you will bear me in mind, make self-examination whenever you recollect me.”
   安葬了介子推的遗体后,人们发现树干上有个洞,洞里有一封介子推用用自己的血写的信。信上写道:“割肉奉君尽丹心,但愿主公常清明。 柳下作鬼终不见,强似伴君作谏臣。 倘若主公心有我,忆我之时常自省。臣在九泉心无愧,勤政清明复清明。”
   The letter written in blood accompanied Jin Wengong to spend the rest of his life. In order to keep in memory of Jie Zitui, he issued an order to change the name of Mianshan into Jieshan and make the day Haishi Day. And on that day every year, no fire or smoke was allowed and people should eat cold food for the whole day.
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